mis tereyağı 1000 gr / PASTACILIK KATALOĞU PASTRY CATALOG - PDF Ücretsiz indirin

Mis Tereyağı 1000 Gr

mis tereyağı 1000 gr

Moulinex home bread inox - OW301030 - Modes d'emploi home bread inox Moulinex

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<strong>home</strong> <strong>bread</strong><br />

FR<br />

EN<br />

DE<br />

ES<br />

IT<br />

RU<br />

UK<br />

TR<br />

NL<br />

DA<br />

NO<br />

SV<br />

FI<br />


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1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6a<br />

6b<br />

6<br />

2a<br />

2b<br />

2e<br />

2f<br />

2g<br />

2c<br />

2d<br />


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A B C<br />

D E F<br />

2e<br />

2f<br />

G H I<br />

2d<br />

J K L<br />


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FR<br />


1 - couvercle avec hublot<br />

2 - tableau de bord<br />

a - écran de visualisation<br />

b - bouton départ/arrêt<br />

c - sélection du poids<br />

d - touches de réglage du départ différé<br />

et du réglage de temps pour le programme 8<br />

e - sélection du dorage<br />

f - choix des programmes<br />

g - voyant de fonctionnement<br />


Participons à la protection de l’environnement !<br />

Votre appareil contient de nombreux matériaux valorisables ou recyclables.<br />

Confiez celui-ci dans un point de collecte pour que son traitement soit effectué.<br />

• Lisez attentivement le mode d’emploi avant<br />

la première utilisation de votre appareil : une<br />

utilisation non conforme au mode d’emploi<br />

dégagerait le fabriquant de toute responsabilité.<br />

• Pour votre sécurité, cet appareil est conforme<br />

aux normes et règlementations applicables<br />

(Directives Basse Tension, compatibilité Electromagnétique,<br />

matériaux en contact avec des<br />

aliments, environnement…).<br />

• Cet appareil n'est pas destiné à être mis en<br />

fonctionnement au moyen d'une minuterie extérieure<br />

ou par un système de commande à<br />

distance séparé.<br />

• Cet appareil n’est pas prévu pour être utilisé<br />

par des personnes (y compris les enfants)<br />

dont les capacités physiques, sensorielles ou<br />

mentales sont réduites, ou des personnes dénuées<br />

d’expérience ou de connaissance, sauf<br />

si elles ont pu bénéficier, par l’intermédiaire<br />

d’une personne responsable de leur sécurité,<br />

d’une surveillance ou d’instructions préalables<br />

concernant l’utilisation de l’appareil. Il<br />

convient de surveiller les enfants pour s’assurer<br />

qu’ils ne jouent pas avec l’appareil.<br />

• Utilisez un plan de travail stable à l'abri des<br />

projections d'eau et en aucun cas dans une<br />

niche de cuisine intégrée.<br />

4<br />

3 - cuve à pain<br />

4 - mélangeur<br />

5 - gobelet gradué<br />

6 a - cuillère à soupe<br />

b - cuillère à café<br />

• Vérifiez que la tension d’alimentation de votre<br />

appareil corresponde bien à celle de votre installation<br />

électrique. Toute erreur de branchement<br />

annule la garantie.<br />

• Branchez impérativement votre appareil sur<br />

une prise de courant reliée à la terre. Le non<br />

respect de cette obligation peut provoquer un<br />

choc électrique et entraîner éventuellement<br />

des lésions graves. Il est indispensable pour<br />

votre sécurité que la prise de terre corresponde<br />

aux normes d’installation électrique en<br />

vigueur dans votre pays. Si votre installation<br />

ne comporte pas de prise de courant reliée à<br />

la terre, il est impératif que vous fassiez intervenir,<br />

avant tout branchement, un organisme<br />

agréé qui mettra en conformité votre<br />

installation électrique.<br />

• Votre appareil est destiné uniquement à un<br />

usage domestique et à l’intérieur de la maison.<br />

• Votre appareil a été conçu pour un usage domestique<br />

seulement. Il n’a pas été conçu pour<br />

être utilisé dans les cas suivants qui ne sont<br />

pas couverts par la garantie:<br />

- dans des coins de cuisines réservés<br />

au personnel dans des magasins, bureaux<br />

et autres environnements professionnels,<br />

- dans des fermes,

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- par les clients des hôtels, motels et autres<br />

environnements à caractère résidentiel,<br />

- dans des environnements de type chambres<br />

d’hôtes.<br />

• Débranchez votre appareil dès que vous cessez<br />

de l’utiliser et lorsque vous voulez le nettoyer.<br />

• N'utilisez pas l'appareil si :<br />

- celui-ci a un cordon endommagé<br />

ou défectueux.<br />

- l'appareil est tombé et présente<br />

des détériorations visibles ou des anomalies<br />

de fonctionnement.<br />

Dans chacun de ces cas, l'appareil doit être<br />

envoyé au centre SAV le plus proche afin<br />

d'éviter tout danger. Consulter la garantie.<br />

• Si le câble d'alimentation est endommagé, il<br />

doit être remplacé par le fabricant, son service<br />

après-vente ou des personnes de qualification<br />

similaire afin d'éviter un danger.<br />

• Toute intervention autre que le nettoyage et<br />

l’entretien usuel par le client doit être effectuée<br />

par un centre service agréé.<br />

• Ne mettez pas l’appareil, le câble d’alimentation<br />

ou la fiche dans l’eau ou tout autre liquide.<br />

• Ne laissez pas pendre le câble d’alimentation<br />

à portée de mains des enfants.<br />

• Le câble d’alimentation ne doit jamais être à<br />

proximité ou en contact avec les parties<br />

chaudes de l’appareil, près d’une source de<br />

chaleur ou sur angle vif.<br />

• Ne déplacez pas l'appareil pendant son fonctionnement.<br />

• Ne pas toucher le hublot pendant et juste<br />

après le fonctionnement. La température<br />

du hublot peut être élevée.<br />

• Ne débranchez pas l'appareil en tirant sur le<br />

cordon.<br />

• N'utilisez qu'une rallonge en bon état, avec<br />

une prise reliée à la terre, et avec un fil<br />

conducteur de section au moins égale au fil<br />

fourni avec le produit.<br />

5<br />

• Ne placez pas l'appareil sur d'autres appareils.<br />

• N'utilisez pas l'appareil comme source de chaleur.<br />

• N'utilisez pas l'appareil pour cuire d'autres<br />

préparations que des pains et des confitures.<br />

• Ne placez jamais de papier, carton ou plastique<br />

dans l'appareil et ne posez rien dessus.<br />

• S'il arrivait que certaines parties du produit<br />

s'enflamment, ne tentez jamais de les éteindre<br />

avec de l'eau. Débranchez l'appareil. Etouffez<br />

les flammes avec un linge humide.<br />

• Pour votre sécurité, n’utilisez que des accessoires<br />

et des pièces détachées adaptés à votre<br />

appareil.<br />

• Tous les appareils sont soumis à un contrôle<br />

qualité sévère. Des essais d’utilisation pratiques<br />

sont faits avec des appareils pris au hasard,<br />

ce qui explique d’éventuelles traces<br />

d’utilisation.<br />

• En fin de programme, utilisez toujours des<br />

gants de cuisine pour manipuler la cuve ou<br />

les parties chaudes de l’appareil. L’appareil<br />

devient très chaud pendant l’utilisation.<br />

• N’obstruez jamais les grilles d’aération.<br />

• Faites très attention, de la vapeur peut<br />

s’échapper lorsque vous ouvrez le couvercle<br />

en fin ou en cours de programme.<br />

• Lorsque vous êtes en programme n°11<br />

(confiture, compote) faites attention au<br />

jet de vapeur et aux projections chaudes à<br />

l’ouverture du couvercle.<br />

• Ne dépassez pas les quantitées indiquées dans<br />

les recettes.<br />

Ne dépassez pas 1000 g de pâte au total.<br />

Ne dépassez pas 620 g de farine et 11 g de<br />

levure.<br />

• Le niveau de puissance accoustique relevé sur<br />

ce produit est de 64 dBa.

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Préparation<br />

1 Lisez attentivement le mode d’emploi : on ne<br />

fait pas son pain dans cet appareil comme on<br />

le fait à la main !<br />

2 Tous les ingrédients utilisés doivent être à<br />

température ambiante (sauf indication<br />

contraire), et doivent être pesés avec précision.<br />

Mesurez les liquides avec le gobelet<br />

gradué fourni. Utilisez la dosette double<br />

fournie pour mesurer d'un côté les cuillères<br />

à café et de l'autre les cuillères à<br />

soupe. Des mesures incorrectes se traduiront<br />

par de mauvais résultats.<br />

3 Utilisez des ingrédients avant leur date limite<br />

de consommation et conservez-les dans des<br />

endroits frais et secs.<br />

4 La précision de la mesure de la quantité de<br />

farine est importante. C’est pourquoi la farine<br />

doit être pesée à l’aide d’une balance de cuisine.<br />

Utilisez de la levure de boulangerie active<br />

déshydratée en sachet. Sauf indication<br />

contraire dans les recettes, n'utilisez pas de<br />

levure chimique. Lorsqu’un sachet de levure<br />

est ouvert, il doit être utilisé sous 48 heures.<br />

5 Afin d’éviter de perturber la levée des préparations,<br />

nous vous conseillons de mettre tous<br />

les ingrédients dans la cuve dès le début et<br />

d’éviter d’ouvrir le couvercle en cours d’utilisation<br />

(sauf indication contraire). Respecter<br />

précisément l’ordre des ingrédients et les<br />

quantités indiquées dans les recettes. D’abord<br />

les liquides ensuite les solides. La levure ne<br />

doit pas entrer en contact avec les liquides<br />

ni avec le sel.<br />

Ordre général à respecter :<br />

> Liquides (beurre, huile, œufs, eau, lait)<br />

> Sel<br />

> Sucre<br />

> Farine première moitié<br />

> Lait en poudre<br />

> Ingrédients spécifiques solides<br />

> Farine deuxième moitié<br />

> Levure<br />

6<br />

Utilisation<br />

• La préparation du pain est très sensible<br />

aux conditions de température et d’humidité.<br />

En cas de forte chaleur, il est conseillé<br />

d’utiliser des liquides plus frais qu’à l’accoutumée.<br />

De même, en cas de froid, il est possible<br />

qu’il soit nécessaire de faire tiédir l’eau<br />

ou le lait (sans jamais dépasser 35°C).<br />

• Il est aussi parfois utile de vérifier l’état<br />

de la pâte en milieu de pétrissage : elle<br />

doit former une boule homogène qui se décolle<br />

bien des parois,<br />

- s’il reste de la farine non incorporée,<br />

c’est qu’il faut mettre un peu plus d’eau,<br />

- sinon, il faudra éventuellement ajouter<br />

un peu de farine.<br />

Il faut corriger très doucement (1 cuillère à<br />

soupe maxi à la fois) et attendre de constater<br />

l’amélioration ou non avant d’intervenir de<br />

nouveau.<br />

• Une erreur courante est de penser qu’en<br />

ajoutant de la levure le pain lèvera davantage.<br />

Or, trop de levure fragilise la structure<br />

de la pâte qui lèvera beaucoup et s’affaissera<br />

lors de la cuisson. Vous pouvez juger de l’état<br />

de la pâte juste avant la cuisson en tâtant<br />

légèrement du bout des doigts : la pâte doit<br />

offrir une légère résistance et l’empreinte des<br />

doigts doit s’estomper peu à peu.<br />

• Dér<br />

pris<br />

• Une<br />

pre<br />

• Ret<br />

gné<br />

sui<br />

• Ajo<br />

dre<br />

gré<br />

• Int<br />

cuv<br />

ma<br />


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• Enlevez tous les emballages, autocollants ou<br />

accessoires divers à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur<br />

de l’appareil - A.<br />


• Déroulez le cordon et branchez-le sur une<br />

prise électrique reliée à la terre.<br />

• Une légère odeur peut se dégager lors de la<br />

première utilisation.<br />

• Retirez la cuve à pain en soulevant la poignée<br />

et en tirant verticalement. Adaptez ensuite<br />

le mélangeur - B - C.<br />

• Ajoutez les ingrédients dans la cuve dans l’ordre<br />

préconisé. Assurez-vous que tous les ingrédients<br />

soient pesés avec exactitude - D.<br />

• Introduisez la cuve à pain. Appuyez sur la<br />

cuve pour l’enclencher sur l’entraîneur et de<br />

manière à ce qu’elle soit bien clipsée des 2<br />

côtés - E - F.<br />

• Nettoyez tous les éléments et l'appareil avec<br />

un linge humide.<br />

• Fermez le couvercle. Branchez la machine à<br />

pain et mettez-la sous tension. Après le signal<br />

sonore, le programme 1 s’affiche par défaut,<br />

soit 1000 g dorage moyen - G.<br />

• Appuyez sur la touche . Le témoin visuel<br />

en face l’étape du cycle atteinte s’affiche. Les<br />

2 points de la minuterie clignotent. Le temoin<br />

de fonctionnement s’allume - H - I.<br />

• A la fin du cycle de cuisson, débranchez la<br />

machine à pain. Retirez la cuve à pain en tirant<br />

sur la poignée. Utilisez toujours des<br />

gants isolants car la poignée de la cuve est<br />

chaude ainsi que l’intérieur du couvercle. Démoulez<br />

le pain à chaud et placez-le 1 h sur<br />

une grille pour refroidir - J.<br />

Pour faire connaissance avec votre machine à pain nous vous suggérons d’essayer la recette<br />

du PAIN BASIQUE pour votre premier pain.<br />

PAIN BASIQUE (programme 1)<br />


POIDS = 1000 g<br />

TEMPS = 3:18<br />

INGRÉDIENTS - c à c = cuillère à café - c à s = cuillère à soupe<br />

- HUILE = 1,5 c à s<br />

- EAU = 300 ml<br />

- SEL = 1,5 c à c<br />

- SUCRE = 1 c à s<br />

- LAIT EN POUDRE = 2 c à s<br />

- FARINE = 550 g<br />

- LEVURE = 1,5 c à c<br />


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Pour chaque programme, un réglage par défaut<br />

s’affiche. Vous devrez donc sélectionner<br />

manuellement les réglages souhaités.<br />

Sélection d’un programme<br />

Le choix d’un programme déclenche une suite<br />

d’étapes, qui se déroulent automatiquement les<br />

unes après les autres.<br />

La touche menu vous permet de choisir<br />

un certain nombre de programmes<br />

différents. Le temps correspondant au<br />

programme s’affiche. Chaque fois que vous appuyez<br />

sur la touche , le numéro dans le panneau<br />

d’affichage passe au programme suivant<br />

et ainsi de 1 à 12 :<br />

1. Pain Basique. Le programme Pain basique<br />

permet d’effectuer la plupart des recettes<br />

de pain utilisant de la farine de blé.<br />

2. Pain Français. Le programme Pain français<br />

correspond à une recette de pain blanc traditionnel<br />

français.<br />

3. Pain Complet. Le programme Pain complet<br />

est à sélectionner lorsqu’on utilise de la farine<br />

pour pain complet.<br />

4. Pain Sucré. Le programme Pain sucré est<br />

adapté aux recettes qui contiennent plus<br />

de matière grasse et de sucre. Si vous utilisez<br />

des préparations pour brioches ou<br />

pains au lait prêtes à l'emploi, ne dépassez<br />

pas 1000g de pâte au total.<br />

5. Pain Super Rapide. Le programme Pain<br />

Super Rapide est spécifique à la recette du<br />

pain SUPER RAPIDE (voir page 14).<br />

6. Pain Sans Gluten. Le pain sans gluten est<br />

à préparer exclusivement à partir de préparations<br />

prêtes à l’emploi sans gluten. Il<br />

convient aux personnes intolérantes au<br />

gluten (maladie de coeliaque) présent dans<br />

plusieurs céréales (blé, orge, seigle, avoine,<br />

kamut, épeautre, etc...). Reportez-vous aux<br />

recommandations spécifiques indiquées sur<br />

le paquet. La cuve devra être systématique-<br />

8<br />

ment nettoyée afin qu’il n’y ait pas de<br />

risque de contamination avec d’autres farines.<br />

Dans le cas d’un régime strict sans<br />

gluten, assurez-vous que la levure utilisée<br />

soit également sans gluten. La consistance<br />

des farines sans gluten ne permet pas un<br />

mélange optimal. Il faut donc rabattre la<br />

pâte des bords lors du pétrissage avec une<br />

spatule en plastique souple. Le pain sans<br />

gluten sera de consistance plus dense et de<br />

couleur plus pâle que le pain normal.<br />

7. Pain au Yaourt. Le pain au yaourt est une<br />

spécialité au goût acide, en dorage medium<br />

et 1000 g uniquement.<br />

8. Cuisson Seule. Le programme Cuisson<br />

seule permet de cuire 60 mn. Il peut être<br />

sélectionné seul et être utilisé :<br />

a) en association avec le programme<br />

Pâtes levées,<br />

b) pour réchauffer ou rendre croustillants<br />

des pains déjà cuits et refroidis,<br />

c) pour finir une cuisson en cas de panne<br />

de courant prolongée pendant un cycle<br />

de pain.<br />

La machine à pain ne doit pas être laissée<br />

sans surveillance lors de l’utilisation<br />

du programme 8.<br />

Lorsque la couleur de la croûte souhaitée<br />

a été obtenue, arrêtez manuellement le<br />

programme par un appui long sur la<br />

touche .<br />

9. Pâtes Levées. Le programme Pâtes levées<br />

ne cuit pas. Il correspond à un programme<br />

de pétrissage et de pousse pour toutes les<br />

pâtes levées. Ex : la pâte à pizza.<br />

10. Gâteau. Permet la confection des pâtisseries<br />

et gâteaux avec de la levure chimique.<br />

11. Confiture. Le programme Confiture cuit automatiquement<br />

la confiture dans la cuve.<br />

12. Pasta. Le programme 12 pétrit uniquement.<br />

Il est destiné aux pâtes non levées. Ex :<br />


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Sélection du poids du pain<br />

Le poids du pain se règle par défaut sur 1000 g.<br />

Le poids est donné à titre indicatif. Se référer<br />

au détail des recettes pour plus de précisions.<br />

Les programmes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ne possèdent<br />

pas le réglage du poids. Appuyez sur la<br />

touche pour régler le poids choisi 750 g ou<br />

1000 g. Le témoin visuel s’allume en face du<br />

réglage choisi.<br />

Sélection du dorage<br />

La couleur de la croûte se règle par défaut sur<br />

MOYEN. Les programmes 7, 9, 11, 12 ne possèdent<br />

pas le réglage de la couleur. Trois choix<br />

sont possibles : CLAIR - MOYEN - FONCE. Si vous<br />

souhaitez modifier le réglage par défaut, appuyez<br />

sur la touche jusqu’à ce que le témoin<br />

visuel s’allume en face du réglage choisi.<br />

Selection du mode rapide<br />

Les recettes des programmes 1, 2, 3 et 4 peuvent<br />

être réalisées en mode RAPIDE et réduire<br />

ainsi le temps de cuisson. Appuyez 2 fois sur<br />

la touche pour sélectionner le mode rapide.<br />

Le mode rapide ne permet pas le réglage de la<br />

couleur de la croûte.<br />

Départ / Arrêt<br />

Appuyez sur la touche pour mettre l’appareil<br />

en marche. Le compte à rebours commence.<br />

Pour arrêter le programme ou annuler la programmation<br />

différée, appuyez 5 secondes sur<br />

la touche .<br />


Le témoin visuel s’allume en face l’étape du<br />

cycle atteinte par la machine à pain. Un tableau<br />

(page 160-161) vous indique la décomposition<br />

des différents cycles suivant le<br />

programme choisi.<br />

Préchauffage<br />

Utilisé dans les programmes 3 et 7 pour<br />

améliorer la levée de la pâte.<br />

N’est actif que pour les programmes 3 et 7. Le<br />

mélangeur ne fonctionne pas pendant cette période.<br />

Cette étape permet d’accélérer l’activité<br />

des levures et ainsi favoriser la pousse des<br />

pains constitués de farines ayant tendance à<br />

ne pas trop lever.<br />

Pétrissage<br />

Permet de former la structure de la pâte et<br />

donc sa capacité à bien lever.<br />

La pâte se trouve dans le 1er ou 2ème cycle de<br />

pétrissage ou en période de brassage entre les<br />

cycles de levées. Au cours de ce cycle, et pour<br />

les programmes 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, vous avez la possibilité<br />

d’ajouter des ingrédients : fruits secs,<br />

olives, etc… Un signal sonore vous indique à<br />

quel moment intervenir.<br />

Reportez-vous au tableau récapitulatif des<br />

temps de préparation (page 160-161) et à la<br />

colonne “extra”. Cette colonne indique le<br />

temps qui sera affiché sur l’écran de votre appareil<br />

lorsque le signal sonore retentira. Pour<br />

savoir plus précisément au bout de combien de<br />

temps se produit le signal sonore, il suffit de<br />

retrancher le temps de la colonne “extra” au<br />

temps total de cuisson. Ex : “extra” = 2:51 et<br />

“temps total” = 3:13, les ingrédients peuvent<br />

être rajoutés au bout de 22 mn.<br />

Repos<br />

Permet à la pâte de se détendre pour améliorer<br />

la qualité du pétrissage.<br />


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Levée<br />

Temps pendant lequel la levure agit pour<br />

faire lever le pain et développer son arôme.<br />

La pâte se trouve dans le 1er 2ème ou 3ème<br />

cycle de levée.<br />

Cuisson<br />

Transforme la pâte en mie et permet le dorage<br />

et le croustillant de la croûte.<br />

Le pain se trouve dans le cycle final de cuisson.<br />


Vous pouvez programmer l’appareil afin<br />

d’avoir votre préparation prête à l’heure que<br />

vous aurez choisie, jusqu’à 15 h à l’avance.<br />

Les programmes 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 n'ont pas<br />

le programme différé.<br />

Cette étape intervient après avoir sélectionné<br />

le programme, le niveau de dorage et le poids.<br />

Le temps du programme s'affiche. Calculez<br />

l’écart de temps entre le moment où vous démarrez<br />

le programme et l’heure à laquelle vous<br />

souhaitez que votre préparation soit prête. La<br />

machine inclut automatiquement la durée des<br />

cycles du programme.<br />

A l’aide des touches et , affichez le<br />

temps trouvé ( vers le haut et vers le<br />

bas). Les appuis courts permettent un défilement<br />

par tranche de 10 mn + bip court. Avec<br />

un appui long, le défilement est continu par<br />

tranche de 10 mn.<br />

Conseils pratiques<br />

En cas de coupure de courant : si en cours de<br />

cycle, le programme est interrompu par une<br />

coupure de courant ou une fausse manœuvre,<br />

la machine dispose d’une protection de 7 mn<br />

pendant lesquelles la programmation sera sauvegardée.<br />

Maintien au chaud<br />

Permet de garder le pain chaud après la cuisson.<br />

Il est toutefois recommandé de démouler<br />

le pain dès la fin de la cuisson.<br />

Pour les programmes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10,<br />

vous pouvez laisser la préparation dans l’appareil.<br />

Un cycle de maintien au chaud d'une heure<br />

s'enchaîne automatiquement après la cuisson.<br />

L’afficheur reste à 0:00 pendant l’heure de<br />

maintien au chaud. Un signal sonore retentit à<br />

intervalles réguliers. En fin de cycle l’appareil<br />

s’arrête automatiquement après l’émission de<br />

plusieurs signaux sonores.<br />

Ex : il est 20 h et vous voulez votre pain prêt<br />

à 7 h 00 le lendemain matin.<br />

Programmez 11 h 00 à l’aide des touches et<br />

. Appuyez sur la touche . Un signal sonore<br />

est émis. Le témoin visuel s’affiche en face<br />

et les 2 points du minuteur clignotent.<br />

Le compte à rebours commence. Le voyant de<br />

fonctionnement s’allume.<br />

Si vous faites une erreur ou souhaitez modifier<br />

le réglage de l’heure, appuyez longuement sur<br />

la touche jusqu’à ce qu’elle émette un signal<br />

sonore. Le temps par défaut s’affiche. Renouvelez<br />

l’opération.<br />

Certains ingrédients sont périssables. N'utilisez<br />

pas le programme différé pour des recettes<br />

contenant : lait frais, œufs, yaourts, fromage,<br />

fruits frais.<br />

Le cycle reprendra où il s’est arrêté. Au-delà de<br />

ce temps, la programmation est perdue.<br />

Si vous enchaînez deux programmes, attendez<br />

1 h avant de démarrer la deuxième préparation.<br />

Les m<br />

grass<br />

savou<br />

plus<br />

Si vo<br />

morc<br />

dans<br />

incor<br />

ne vi<br />

pourr<br />

Œufs<br />

rent l<br />

velop<br />

œufs<br />

quen<br />

quide<br />

indiq<br />

prévu<br />

œufs<br />

si les<br />

peu m<br />

Lait<br />

lait e<br />

dre, a<br />

vue.<br />

égale<br />

doit<br />

Le la<br />

d’obt<br />

un be<br />

Eau<br />

hydra<br />

met l<br />

l’eau<br />

d’aut<br />

ratur<br />

Farin<br />

ment<br />

Selon<br />

cuiss<br />

Conse<br />


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Les matières grasses et huiles : les matières<br />

grasses rendent le pain plus moelleux et plus<br />

savoureux. Il se gardera également mieux et<br />

plus longtemps. Trop de gras ralentit la levée.<br />

Si vous utilisez du beurre, émiettez-le en petits<br />

morceaux pour le répartir de façon homogène<br />

dans la préparation ou faites-le ramollir. Ne pas<br />

incorporer le beurre chaud. Evitez que le gras<br />

ne vienne en contact avec la levure, car le gras<br />

pourrait empêcher la levure de se réhydrater.<br />

Œufs : les œufs enrichissent la pâte, améliorent<br />

la couleur du pain et favorisent un bon développement<br />

de la mie. Si vous utilisez des<br />

œufs, réduisez la quantité de liquide en conséquence.<br />

Cassez l’œuf et compléter avec le liquide<br />

jusqu’à obtenir la quantité de liquide<br />

indiquée dans la recette. Les recettes ont été<br />

prévues pour un œuf moyen de 50 g, si les<br />

œufs sont plus gros, ajouter un peu de farine;<br />

si les œufs sont plus petits, il faut mettre un<br />

peu moins de farine.<br />

Lait : vous pouvez utilisez du lait frais ou du<br />

lait en poudre. Si vous utilisez du lait en poudre,<br />

ajoutez la quantité d’eau initialement prévue.<br />

Si vous utilisez du lait frais, vous pouvez<br />

également ajouter de l’eau : le volume total<br />

doit être égal au volume prévu dans la recette.<br />

Le lait a aussi un effet émulsifiant qui permet<br />

d’obtenir des alvéoles plus régulières et donc<br />

un bel aspect de la mie.<br />

Eau : l’eau réhydrate et active la levure. Elle<br />

hydrate également l’amidon de la farine et permet<br />

la formation de la mie. On peut remplacer<br />

l’eau, en partie ou totalement par du lait ou<br />

d’autres liquides. Utilisez des liquides à température<br />

ambiante.<br />

Farines : le poids de la farine varie sensiblement<br />

en fonction du type de farine utilisé.<br />

Selon la qualité de la farine, les résultats de<br />

cuisson du pain peuvent également varier.<br />

Conservez la farine dans un contenant hermétique,<br />

car la farine réagira aux fluctuations des<br />

conditions climatiques, en absorbant de l’humidité<br />

ou au contraire en en perdant. Utilisez<br />

de préférence une farine dite “de force”, “panifiable”<br />

ou “boulangère” plutôt qu’une farine<br />

standard. L’addition d’avoine, de son, de germe<br />

de blé, de seigle ou encore de grains entiers à<br />

la pâte à pain, vous donnera un pain plus lourd<br />

et moins gros.<br />

L'utilisation d'une farine T55 est recommandée,<br />

sauf indication contraire dans les recettes.<br />

Dans le cas d'utilisation de mélanges<br />

de farines spéciales pour pain ou brioche ou<br />

pain au lait, ne dépassez pas 1000 g de pâte<br />

au total.<br />

Le tamisage de la farine influe aussi sur les résultats<br />

: plus la farine est complète (c’est à dire<br />

qu’elle contient une partie de l’enveloppe du<br />

grain de blé), moins la pâte lèvera et plus le<br />

pain sera dense. Vous trouverez également,<br />

dans le commerce, des préparations pour pains<br />

prêtes à l'emploi. Reportez-vous aux recommandations<br />

du fabricant pour l'utilisation de ces<br />

préparations. De façon générale, le choix du<br />

programme se fera en fonction de la préparation<br />

utilisée. Ex : Pain complet - Programme 3.<br />

Sucre : privilégiez le sucre blanc, roux ou du<br />

miel. N’utilisez pas de sucre raffiné ou en morceaux.<br />

Le sucre nourrit la levure, donne une<br />

bonne saveur au pain et améliore le dorage de<br />

la croûte.<br />

Sel : il donne du goût à l’aliment, et permet de<br />

réguler l’activité de la levure. Il ne doit pas entrer<br />

en contact avec la levure. Grâce au sel, la<br />

pâte est ferme, compacte et ne lève pas trop<br />

vite. Il améliore aussi la structure de la pâte.<br />

Levure : la levure de boulangerie existe sous<br />

plusieurs formes : fraîche en petits cubes,<br />

sèche active à réhydrater ou sèche instantanée.<br />

La levure est vendue en grandes surfaces<br />

(rayons boulangerie ou ultrafrais), mais vous<br />

pouvez aussi acheter la levure fraîche chez<br />


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votre boulanger. Sous forme fraîche ou sèche<br />

instantanée, la levure doit être directement incorporée<br />

dans la cuve de votre machine avec<br />

les autres ingrédients. Pensez toutefois à bien<br />

émietter la levure fraîche entre vos doigts pour<br />

faciliter sa dispersion. Seule la levure sèche active<br />

(en petites sphérules) doit être mélangée<br />

à un peu d’eau tiède avant d’être utilisée. Choisir<br />

une température proche de 35°C, en deçà<br />

elle sera moins efficace, au-delà elle risque de<br />

perdre son activité. Veillez à bien respecter les<br />

doses prescrites et pensez à multiplier les<br />

quantités si vous utilisez de la levure fraîche<br />

(voir le tableau d’équivalences ci-dessous).<br />

Équivalences quantité/poids entre levure sèche<br />

et levure fraîche :<br />

Levure sèche (en c.c.)<br />

1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5<br />

Levure fraîche (en g)<br />

9 13 18 22 25 31 36 40 45<br />

Les additifs (fruits secs, olives, etc) : vous<br />

pouvez personnaliser vos recettes avec tous les<br />

ingrédients additionnels que vous souhaitez en<br />

prenant soin :<br />

> de bien respecter le signal sonore pour l’ajout<br />

d’ingrédients, notamment les plus fragiles,<br />

> les graines les plus solides (comme le lin ou<br />

le sésame) peuvent être incorporées dès le<br />

début du pétrissage pour faciliter l’utilisation<br />

de la machine (départ différé par exemple),<br />

> de bien égoutter les ingrédients très humides<br />

(olives),<br />

> de fariner légèrement les ingrédients gras<br />

pour une meilleure incorporation,<br />

> de ne pas les incorporer en trop grande quantité,<br />

au risque de perturber le bon développement<br />

de la pâte, respectez les quantités<br />

indiquées dans les recettes,<br />

> de ne pas faire tomber d'additifs en dehors<br />

de la cuve.<br />


• Débranchez l'appareil.<br />

• Nettoyez tous les éléments, l'appareil et l'intérieur<br />

de la cuve avec une éponge humide.<br />

Séchez soigneusement - K.<br />

• Lavez la cuve et les mélangeurs à l’eau<br />

chaude savonneuse. Si les mélangeurs restent<br />

dans la cuve, laissez tremper 5 à 10 mn.<br />

• Si besoin, démontez le couvercle pour le nettoyer<br />

à l’eau chaude - L.<br />

• Ne lavez<br />

aucune partie<br />

au lave vaisselle.<br />

• N’utilisez pas de produit ménager, ni tampon<br />

abrasif, ni alcool. Utilisez un chiffon doux et<br />

humide.<br />

• N’immergez jamais le corps de l’appareil ou<br />

le couvercle.<br />


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Pour chacune des recettes, respecter l’ordre des ingrédients indiqué. Suivant la recette choisie<br />

et le programme correspondant, vous pouvez vous reporter au tableau récapitulatif des<br />

temps de préparation (page 160-161)et suivre la décomposition des différents cycles.<br />

c à c = cuillère à café - c à s = cuillère à soupe<br />



750 g 1000 g<br />

Huile 1 c à s 1,5 c à s<br />

Eau 245 ml 300 ml<br />

Sel 1 c à c 1,5 c à c<br />

Sucre 3 c à c 1 c à s<br />

Lait en poudre 1 c à s 2 c à s<br />

Farine 455 g 550 g<br />

Levure 1 c à c 1,5 c à c<br />



750 g 1000 g<br />

Eau 270 ml 360 ml<br />

Sel 1,5 c à c 2 c à c<br />

Farine 460 g 620 g<br />

Levure 1,5 c à c 2 c à c<br />



750 g 1000 g<br />

Huile 2 c à c 1 c à s<br />

Eau 270 ml 360 ml<br />

Sel 1,5 c à c 2 c à c<br />

Sucre 2 c à c 1 c à s<br />

Farine 225 g 300 g<br />

Farine complète 225 g 300 g<br />

Levure 1 c à c 1,5 c à c<br />


750 g 1000 g<br />

Beurre<br />

ramolli en dés 50 g 60 g<br />

Sel 1,5 c à c 2 c à c<br />

Sucre 2 c à s 2,5 c à s<br />

Lait liquide 260 ml 310 ml<br />

Farine 400 g 470 g<br />

Levure 1 c à c 1,5 c à c<br />


750 g 1000 g<br />

Eau 270 ml 360 ml<br />

Sel 1,5 c à c 2 c à c<br />

Farine 370 g 500 g<br />

Farine seigle 90 g 120 g<br />

Levure 1,5 c à c 2 c à c<br />


750 g 1000 g<br />

Huile 2 c à c 1 c à s<br />

Eau 270 ml 360 ml<br />

Sel 1, 5 c à c 2 c à c<br />

Sucre 2 c à c 1 c à s<br />

Farine 230 g 300 g<br />

Farine de seigle 110 g 150 g<br />

Farine complète 110 g 150 g<br />

Levure 1 c à c 1,5 c à c<br />




750 g 1000 g<br />

750 g 1000 g<br />

Œufs 2 3<br />

Œufs 2 3<br />

Beurre 150 g 175 g Beurre 140 g 160 g<br />

Lait liquide 60 ml 70 ml Lait liquide 80 ml 100 ml<br />

Sel 1 c à c 1,5 c à c Sel 1/2 c à c 1 c à c<br />

Sucre 3 c à s 4 c à s Sucre 4 c à s 5 c à s<br />

Farine type 55 360 g 440 g Farine 350 g 420 g<br />

Levure 2 c à c 2,5 c à c Levure 2 c à c 2,5 c à c<br />

Optionnel : 1 cuillère à café d’eau de fleur d’oranger. Raisins 100 g 150 g<br />

Optionnel : imbiber les raisins avec un sirop léger.<br />

Optionnel : mettre des amandes entières sur le dessus<br />

de la pâte, à la fin du dernier cycle de pétrissage.<br />


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750 g 1000 g<br />

Huile 1 c à s 1,5 c à s<br />

Eau (35 à 40°C maxi)270 ml 360 ml<br />

Sel 1 c à c 1,5 c à c<br />

Sucre 1 c à s 1 c à s<br />

Lait en poudre 1 c à s 2 c à s<br />

Farine 430 g 570 g<br />

Levure 3 c à c 3,5 c à c<br />



1000 g<br />

Eau<br />

200 ml<br />

Yaourt nature 1 (125 g)<br />

Sel<br />

2 c à c<br />

Sucre<br />

1 c à s<br />

Farine<br />

480 g<br />

Farine de seigle<br />

70 g<br />

Levure<br />

2,5 c à c<br />



750 g 1000 g<br />

Huile d’olive 1 c à s 1,5 c à s<br />

Eau 240 ml 320 ml<br />

Sel 1,5 c à c 2 c à c<br />

Farine 480 g 640 g<br />

Levure 1 c à c 1,5 c à c<br />

PROGRAMME 11<br />


Coupez ou hachez vos fruits selon vos goûts<br />

avant de les mettre dans votre machine à pain.<br />

Confiture de fraises, pêches,<br />

rhubarbe ou abricots<br />

580 g de fruit, 360 g de sucre, 1 jus de citron.<br />

Confiture d’orange<br />

500 g de fruit, 400 g de sucre.<br />

Compote pommes/rhubarbe<br />

750 g de fruit, 4,5 c à s de sucre.<br />

Compote de rhubarbe<br />

750 g de fruit, 4,5 c à s de sucre.<br />

PROGRAMME 12<br />


1000 g<br />

Œufs 5<br />

Eau<br />

60 ml<br />

Farine<br />

600 g<br />

Sel<br />

1 c à c<br />

PROGRAMME 10<br />


1000 g<br />

Œufs 4<br />

Sucre<br />

260 g<br />

Sel<br />

0,5 c à c<br />

Beurre<br />

95 g<br />

Citron (jus+zeste) 1<br />

Farine<br />

430 g<br />

Levure chimique<br />

3 c à c<br />

Battre au fouet les œufs avec le sucre et le sel pendant<br />

5 mn, jusqu’à blanchiment. Verser dans la cuve<br />

de la machine. Ajouter le beurre fondu mais refroidi.<br />

Ajouter le jus + le zeste du citron. Ajouter la farine<br />

et la levure préalablement mélangées. Veiller à mettre<br />

la farine en tas, bien au centre de la cuve.<br />


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Vous n’obtenez pas<br />

le résultat attendu ?<br />

Ce tableau vous aidera<br />

à vous repérer.<br />

La touche a été<br />

actionnée pendant la cuisson.<br />

Pas assez de farine.<br />

Trop de farine.<br />

Pas assez de levure.<br />

Trop de levure.<br />

Pas assez d’eau.<br />

Trop d’eau.<br />

Pas assez de sucre.<br />

Mauvaise qualité de farine<br />

Les ingrédients ne sont pas<br />

dans les bonnes proportions<br />

(trop grande quantité).<br />

Eau trop chaude.<br />

Eau trop froide.<br />

Programme inadapté.<br />

Pain Pain affaissé<br />

trop levé après avoir<br />

trop levé<br />

15<br />

Pain<br />

pas assez<br />

levé<br />



Le mélangeur reste coincé<br />

dans la cuve.<br />

Après appui sur<br />

rien ne se passe.<br />

Après appui sur le moteur<br />

tourne mais le pétrissage<br />

ne se fait pas.<br />

Après un départ différé,<br />

le pain n’a pas assez levé<br />

ou rien ne s’est passé.<br />

Croûte<br />

pas assez<br />

dorée<br />


• Laisser tremper avant de les retirer.<br />

Côtés bruns<br />

mais pain pas<br />

assez cuit<br />

Côtés<br />

et dessus<br />

enfarinés<br />

• La machine est trop chaude. Attendre 1 heure entre 2 cyles.<br />

• Un départ différé a été programmé.<br />

• La cuve n’est pas insérée complètement.<br />

• Absence de mélangeur ou mélangeur mal mis en place.<br />

• Vous avez oublié d’appuyer sur après la programmation<br />

du départ différé.<br />

• La levure est entrée en contact avec le sel et/ou l’eau.<br />

• Absence de mélangeur.<br />

Odeur de brûlé. • Une partie des ingrédients est tombée à côté de la cuve :<br />

débranchez la machine, laissez-la refroidir et nettoyez<br />

l’intérieur avec une éponge humide<br />

et sans produit nettoyant.<br />

• La préparation a débordé : trop grande quantité<br />

d’ingrédients, notamment de liquide.<br />

Respecter les proportions des recettes.

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1 - lid with window<br />

2 - control panel<br />

a - display screen<br />

b - on/off button<br />

c - weight selection<br />

d - buttons for setting delayed start<br />

and adjusting the time for programme 8<br />

e - select crust colour<br />

f - choice of programmes<br />

g - operating indicator light<br />

GB<br />

3 - <strong>bread</strong> pan<br />

4 - kneading paddle<br />

5 - graduated beaker<br />

6 a - tablespoon measure<br />

b - teaspoon measure<br />


Let’s help to protect the environment!<br />

Your appliance contains many materials that can be reused or recycled.<br />

Take it to a collection point so it can be processed.<br />

• Carefully read the instructions before using<br />

your appliance for the first time: the manufacturer<br />

does not accept responsibility for use<br />

that does not comply with the instructions.<br />

• For your safety, this product conforms to all<br />

applicable standards and regulations (Low<br />

Voltage Directive, Electromagnetic Compatibility,<br />

Food Compliant Materials, Environment,<br />

…).<br />

• This appliance is not intended to be operated<br />

by means of an external timer or separate remote-control<br />

system.<br />

• This appliance is not intended for use by persons<br />

(including children) with reduced physical,<br />

sensory or mental capabilities, or lack<br />

of experience and knowledge, unless they<br />

have been given supervision or instruction<br />

concerning use of the appliance by an adult<br />

responsible for their safety. Children should<br />

be supervised to ensure that they do not play<br />

with the appliance.<br />

• Use the appliance on a stable work surface<br />

away from water splashes and under no circumstances<br />

in a cubby-hole in a built-in<br />

kitchen.<br />

16<br />

• Make sure that the power it uses corresponds<br />

to your electrical supply system. Any error in<br />

connection will cancel the guarantee.<br />

• It is compulsory to connect your appliance<br />

to a socket with an earth. Failure to respect<br />

this requirement can cause electric shock and<br />

possibly lead to serious injury. It is essential<br />

for your safety for the earth connection to<br />

correspond to the standards for electrical installation<br />

applicable in your country. If your<br />

installation does not have an outlet connected<br />

to earth, it is essential that before<br />

making any connection, you have a certified<br />

organisation intervene to bring your electrical<br />

installation into conformance.<br />

• This product has been designed for domestic<br />

use only. Any commercial use, inappropriate<br />

use or failure to comply with the instructions,<br />

the manufacturer accepts no responsibility<br />

and the guarantee will not apply.<br />

• This appliance is intended for domestic<br />

household use only. It is not intended to be<br />

used in the following applications, and the<br />

guarantee will not apply for:<br />

- staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and<br />

other working environments;

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- farm houses;<br />

- by clients in hotels, motels and other<br />

residential type environments;<br />

- bed and breakfast type environments.<br />

• Unplug the appliance when you have finished<br />

using it and when you want to clean it.<br />

• Do not use the appliance if:<br />

- the supply cord is defective or damaged,<br />

- the appliance has fallen to the floor and<br />

shows visible signs of damage or does not<br />

function correctly.<br />

In either case, the appliance must be sent to<br />

the nearest approved service centre to eliminate<br />

any risk. See the guarantee documents.<br />

• If the power supply cord is damaged, it must<br />

be replaced by the manufacturer or its service<br />

agent or a similarly qualified person in order<br />

to avoid a hazard.<br />

• All interventions other than cleaning and<br />

everyday maintenance by the customer must<br />

be performed by an authorised service centre.<br />

• Do not immerse the appliance, power cord or<br />

plug in water or any other liquid.<br />

• Do not leave the power cord hanging within<br />

reach of children.<br />

• The power cord must never be close to or in<br />

contact with the hot parts of your appliance,<br />

near a source of heat or over a sharp corner.<br />

• Do not move the appliance when in use.<br />

• Do not touch the viewing window during and<br />

just after operation. The window can reach a<br />

high temperature.<br />

• Do not pull on the supply cord to unplug the<br />

appliance.<br />

• Only use an extension cord that is in good<br />

condition, has an earthed socket and is suitably<br />

rated.<br />

• Do not place the appliance on other appliances.<br />

• Do not use the appliance as a source of<br />

heating.<br />

• Do not use the appliance to cook any other<br />

food than <strong>bread</strong>s and jams.<br />

• Do not place paper, card or plastic in the appliance<br />

and place nothing on it.<br />

• Should any part of the appliance catch fire,<br />

do not attempt to extinguish it with water.<br />

Unplug the appliance. Smother flames with a<br />

damp cloth.<br />

• For your safety, only use accessories and<br />

spare parts designed for your appliance.<br />

• All appliances undergo strict quality control.<br />

Practical usage tests are performed on randomly<br />

selected appliances, which would explain<br />

any slight traces of use.<br />

• At the end of the programme, always use<br />

oven gloves to handle the pan or hot parts<br />

of the appliance. The appliance gets very hot<br />

during use.<br />

• Never obstruct the air vents.<br />

• Be very careful, steam can be released when<br />

you open the lid at the end of or during the<br />

programme.<br />

• When using programme No. 11 (jam, compotes)<br />

watch out for steam and hot spattering<br />

when opening the lid.<br />

• Do not exceed the quantities indicated in the<br />

recipes.<br />

Do not exceed a total of 1000 g of dough,<br />

Do not exceed a total of 620 g of flour and<br />

11 g of yeast.<br />

• The measured noise level of this product is<br />

64 dBA.<br />


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Preparation<br />

1 Please read these instructions carefully: the<br />

method for making <strong>bread</strong> with this appliance<br />

is not the same as for hand-made <strong>bread</strong>.<br />

2 All ingredients used must be at room temperature<br />

(unless otherwise indicated) and must<br />

be weighed exactly. Measure liquids with<br />

the graduated beaker supplied. Use the<br />

double doser supplied to measure teaspoons<br />

on one side and tablespoons on the<br />

other. All spoon measures are level and not<br />

heaped. Incorrect measurements give bad results.<br />

3 For successful <strong>bread</strong> making using the correct<br />

ingredients is critical. Use ingredients before<br />

their use-by date and keep them in a cool,<br />

dry place.<br />

4 It is important to measure the quantity of<br />

flour precisely. That is why you should weigh<br />

out flour using a kitchen scale. Use packets<br />

of flaked dried yeast (sold in the UK as Easy<br />

Bake or Fast Action Yeast). Unless otherwise<br />

indicated in the recipe, do not use baking<br />

powder. Once a packet of yeast has been<br />

opened, it should be sealed, stored in a cool<br />

place and used within 48 hours.<br />

5 To avoid spoiling the proving of the dough,<br />

we advise that all ingredients should be put<br />

in the <strong>bread</strong> pan at the start and that you<br />

should avoid opening the lid during use (unless<br />

otherwise indicated). Carefully follow the<br />

order of ingredients and quantities indicated<br />

in the recipes. First the liquids, then the<br />

solids. Yeast should not come into contact<br />

with liquids, sugar or salt.<br />

General order to be followed:<br />

> Liquids (butter, oil, eggs, water, milk)<br />

> Salt<br />

> Sugar<br />

> Flour, first half<br />

> Powdered milk<br />

> Specific solid ingredients<br />

> Flour, second half<br />

> Yeast<br />

18<br />

Using<br />

• Bread preparation is very sensitive to temperature<br />

and humidity conditions. In case<br />

of high heat, use liquids that are cooler than<br />

usual. Likewise, if it is cold, it may be necessary<br />

to warm up the water or milk (never exceeding<br />

35°C).<br />

• It can also sometimes be useful to check<br />

the state of the dough during the second<br />

kneading: it should form an even ball which<br />

comes away easily from the walls of the pan.<br />

- If not all of the flour has been blended into<br />

the dough, add a little more water,<br />

- if the dough is too wet and sticks to the<br />

sides, you may need to add a little flour.<br />

Such corrections should be undertaken very<br />

gradually (no more than 1 tablespoon at a<br />

time) and wait to see if there is an improvement<br />

before continuing.<br />

• A common error is to think that adding<br />

more yeast will make the <strong>bread</strong> rise more.<br />

Too much yeast makes the structure of the<br />

<strong>bread</strong> more fragile and it will rise a lot and<br />

then fall while baking. You can determine the<br />

state of the dough just before baking by<br />

touching it lightly with your fingertips: the<br />

dough should be slightly resistant and the<br />

fingerprint should disappear little by little.<br />

• Ful<br />

an<br />

• A s<br />

for<br />

• Rem<br />

and<br />

kne<br />

• Put<br />

ord<br />

die<br />

• Pla<br />

dow<br />

we<br />


MLX-OW3022-NC00020774_MLX-OW3022-NC00020774 21/12/10 15:52 Page19<br />



• Remove the accessories and any stickers either<br />

inside or on the outsid of the appliance - A.<br />

• Clean all of the parts and the appliance itself<br />

using a damp cloth.<br />


• Fully unwind the power cord and plug it into<br />

an earthed socket.<br />

• A slight odour may be given off when used<br />

for the first time.<br />

• Remove the <strong>bread</strong> pan by lifting the handle<br />

and firmly pulling upward. Then insert the<br />

kneading paddle - B - C.<br />

• Put the ingredients in the pan in exactly the<br />

order recommended. Make sure that all ingredients<br />

are weighed with precision - D.<br />

• Place the <strong>bread</strong> pan in the <strong>bread</strong>maker. Press<br />

down on both sides of the pan so that it clips<br />

well to both sides of the <strong>bread</strong>maker and engages<br />

the drive - E - F.<br />

• Close the lid. Plug in the <strong>bread</strong>maker and<br />

switch it on. After you hear the beep, programme<br />

1 will appear on the display as the<br />

default setting, i.e. 1000 g, medium browning<br />

- G.<br />

• Press the button. The indicator light<br />

comes on facing the stage the program has<br />

reached. The timer colon flashes and the<br />

timer will count down. The operating indicator<br />

lights up - H - I.<br />

• Unplug the <strong>bread</strong>maker at the end of the<br />

cooking or warming cycle. Lift the <strong>bread</strong> pan<br />

out of the <strong>bread</strong>maker by pulling on the handle.<br />

Always use oven gloves as the pan handle<br />

is hot, as is the inside of the lid. Turn out<br />

the hot <strong>bread</strong> and place it on a rack for at<br />

least 1 hour to cool - J.<br />

To get to know your <strong>bread</strong>maker, we suggest trying the BASIC WHITE BREAD recipe for your<br />

first loaf.<br />

BASIC WHITE BREAD (programme 1)<br />


WEIGHT = 1000 g<br />

TIME = 3:18<br />

INGREDIENTS - tsp = teaspoon - tbsp = tablespoon<br />

- OIL = 1.5 tbsp<br />

- WATER = 300 ml<br />

- SALT = 1,5 tsp<br />

- SUGAR = 1 tbsp<br />

- POWDERED MILK = 2 tbsp<br />

- WHITE BREAD FLOUR = 550 g<br />

- YEAST = 1,5 tsp<br />


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A default setting is displayed for each programme.<br />

You will therefore have to select<br />

the desired settings manually.<br />

Selecting a programme<br />

Choosing a programme triggers a series of steps<br />

which are carried out automatically one after<br />

another.<br />

The menu button enables you to<br />

choose a certain number of different<br />

programmes. The time corresponding<br />

to the programme is displayed. Every time you<br />

press the button, the number on the display<br />

panel switches to the next programme from 1-<br />

12:<br />

1. Basic White Bread. The Basic White Bread<br />

programme is used to make most <strong>bread</strong><br />

recipes using white wheat flour.<br />

2. French Bread. The French Bread programme<br />

corresponds to a traditional French<br />

crusty white <strong>bread</strong> recipe.<br />

3. Wholemeal Bread. Wholemeal Bread Programme<br />

is used to make whole wheat <strong>bread</strong><br />

using whole wheat flour.<br />

4. Sweet Bread. The Sweet Bread programme<br />

is for recipes containing more sugar and fat<br />

such as brioches and milk <strong>bread</strong>s. If you are<br />

using special flour blends for brioche or<br />

rolls, do not exceed 1000 g of dough in<br />

total.<br />

5. Super Fast White Bread. The Super Fast<br />

White Bread programme is specific to the<br />

SUPER FAST <strong>bread</strong> recipe (see page 26).<br />

6. Gluten Free Bread. Gluten Free Bread is to<br />

be made exclusively from gluten-free readymade<br />

mixes. It is suitable for persons with<br />

celiac disease, making them intolerant of<br />

the gluten present in many cereals (wheat,<br />

rye, barley, oats, Kamut, spelt wheat etc.).<br />

Refer to the specific recommendations on<br />

the packet. The trough must always be<br />

20<br />

thoroughly cleaned to avoid any risk of<br />

contamination with other flours. In the<br />

case of a strictly gluten-free diet, take care<br />

that the yeast used is also gluten-free. The<br />

consistency of gluten-free flours does not<br />

yield an ideal dough. The dough sticks to<br />

the sides and must be scraped down with a<br />

flexible plastic spatula during kneading.<br />

Gluten-free <strong>bread</strong> will be of a denser consistency<br />

and paler than normal <strong>bread</strong>.<br />

7. Yoghurt Bread. Yoghurt Bread is a speciality<br />

with an acidic taste, with medium<br />

browning, 1000 g only.<br />

8. Loaf Cooking. The Loaf Cooking programme<br />

is limited to 60 min. with light<br />

medium or dark browning. It can be selected<br />

alone and used:<br />

a) with the Bread Dough programme,<br />

b) to reheat cooked and cooled <strong>bread</strong>s<br />

or to make them crusty,<br />

c) to finish cooking in case of a prolonged<br />

electricity cut during a <strong>bread</strong> baking<br />

cycle.<br />

The <strong>bread</strong>maker should not be left unattended<br />

when using programme 8.<br />

To interrupt the cycle before it is finished,<br />

the programme can be stopped manually<br />

by holding down the button<br />

9. Bread Dough. The Bread Dough programme<br />

does not bake. It is a kneading and rising<br />

programme for all leavened doughs such as<br />

pizza dough, rolls, sweet buns.<br />

10. Cake. Can be used to make pastries and<br />

cakes with baking powder.<br />

11. Jam. The Jam programme automatically<br />

cooks jams and compots (stewed fruits) in<br />

the pan.<br />

12. Pasta Dough. Programme 12 only kneads.<br />

It is for unleavened pasta, like noodles for<br />


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Selecting the weight of the <strong>bread</strong><br />

The <strong>bread</strong> weight is set by default at 1000 g.<br />

This weight is shown for informational purposes.<br />

See the recipes for more details. Programmes<br />

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 do not have<br />

weight settings. Press the button to set the<br />

chosen product – 750 g or 1000 g. The indicator<br />

light against the selected setting comes on.<br />

Selecting the crust colour<br />

By default, the colour of the crust is set at<br />

MEDIUM. Programmes 7, 9, 11, 12 do not have<br />

a colour setting. Three choices are possible:<br />


If you want to change the default setting, press<br />

the button until the indicator light facing<br />

the desired setting comes on.<br />

CYCLES<br />

The indicator light comes on facing the cycle<br />

that the <strong>bread</strong>maker has reached. A table<br />

(page 160-161) indicates the breakdown of<br />

the various cycles for the programme chosen.<br />

Preheating<br />

Used for programmes 3 and 7 to let the<br />

dough rise better.<br />

only activated for programmes 3 and 7. The<br />

kneading paddle does not operate during this<br />

period. This step accelerates yeast activity and<br />

thus encourages rising in <strong>bread</strong>s made of flours<br />

which tend not to rise well.<br />

Pétrissage<br />

For forming the dough’s structure so that it<br />

can rise better.<br />

the dough is in the 1st or 2nd kneading cycle<br />

or in a stirring period between rising cycles.<br />

During this cycle, and for programmes 1, 3, 4,<br />

7, 10, you can add ingredients: dried fruit or<br />

nuts, olives, etc. A beep indicates when you<br />

can intervene. See the summary table for<br />

preparation times (pages 160-161) and the<br />

Selecting fast mode<br />

Recipes for programmes 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be<br />

made in FAST mode, thus reducing baking time.<br />

Press 2 times on the button to select FAST<br />

mode. The crust colour cannot be set in FAST<br />

mode.<br />

Start /Stop<br />

Press the button to switch the appliance<br />

on. The countdown begins. To stop the programme<br />

or to cancel delayed programming,<br />

hold down on the button for 5 seconds.<br />

“extra” column. This column indicates the time<br />

that will be displayed on your appliance’s<br />

screen when the beep sounds.<br />

For more precise information on how long before<br />

the beep sounds, subtract the “extra” column<br />

time from the total baking time.<br />

For example: “extra” = 2:51 and “total time” =<br />

3:13, the ingredients can be added after 22<br />

min.<br />

Rest<br />

Allows the dough to rest to improve kneading<br />

quality.<br />

Rising<br />

Time during which the yeast works to let the<br />

<strong>bread</strong> rise and to develop its aroma.<br />

the dough is in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd rising cycle.<br />

Baking<br />

Transforms the dough into <strong>bread</strong> and gives<br />

it a golden, crusty crust.<br />

the <strong>bread</strong> is in the final baking cycle.<br />


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Warming:<br />

Keeps the <strong>bread</strong> warm after baking. It is recommended<br />

that the <strong>bread</strong> should be turned<br />

out promptly after baking, however.<br />

for programmes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, you<br />

can leave your preparation in the appliance. A<br />


You can programme the appliance up to start<br />

15 hours in advance to have your preparation<br />

ready at the time you want. This function<br />

cannot be used on programmes 5, 6, 9,<br />

10, 11, 12.<br />

This step comes after selecting the programme,<br />

browning level and weight. The programme<br />

time is displayed. Calculate the time difference<br />

between the moment when you start the programme<br />

and the time at which you want your<br />

preparation to be ready. The machine automatically<br />

includes the duration of the programme<br />

cycles.<br />

Using the and buttons, display the calculated<br />

time ( up and down). Short<br />

presses change the time by intervals of 10 min<br />

+ a short beep. Holding the button down gives<br />

continuous scrolling of 10-min intervals.<br />

one-hour warming cycle automatically follows<br />

baking. The display remains at 0:00 for one<br />

hour of warming. The appliance beeps at regular<br />

intervals.<br />

At the end of the cycle, the appliance stops automatically<br />

after several sound signals.<br />

For example, it is 8 pm and you want your<br />

<strong>bread</strong> to be ready for 7 am the next morning.<br />

Programme 11:00 using the and . Press<br />

the button. A beep is emitted. The facing<br />

indicator light switches on and the timer<br />

colon blinks. The countdown begins. The operating<br />

indicator light comes on.<br />

If you make a mistake or want to change the<br />

time setting, hold down the button until it<br />

makes a beep. The default time is displayed.<br />

Start the operation again.<br />

With the delayed start programme do not use<br />

recipes which contain fresh milk, eggs, soured<br />

cream, yoghurt, cheese or fresh fruit as they<br />

could spoil or stale overnight.<br />

Fats<br />

tastie<br />

much<br />

cut it<br />

even<br />

it. Yo<br />

poon<br />

fat fr<br />

as fa<br />

not u<br />

Eggs<br />

colou<br />

ment<br />

reduc<br />

tiona<br />

quid<br />

indic<br />

for o<br />

add a<br />

flour.<br />

Milk:<br />

If us<br />

water<br />

vour<br />

<strong>bread</strong><br />

subst<br />

volum<br />

cipe.<br />

avoid<br />

an em<br />

ness,<br />

Practical advice<br />

If there is a power cut: if, during the cycle,<br />

the programme is interrupted by a power cut<br />

or mishandling, the machine has a 7-min protection<br />

time during which the settings are<br />

saved.<br />

The cycle starts again where it stopped. Beyond<br />

that time, the settings are lost.<br />

If you plan to run a second programme bake<br />

a second loaf, open the lid and wait 1 hour<br />

before beginning the second preparation.<br />

Wate<br />

yeast<br />

and h<br />

can b<br />

other<br />

Flour<br />

cantl<br />

pend<br />

resul<br />

cally<br />


MLX-OW3022-NC00020774_MLX-OW3022-NC00020774 21/12/10 15:52 Page23<br />


Fats and oils: fats make the <strong>bread</strong> softer and<br />

tastier. It also stores better and longer. Too<br />

much fat slows down rising. If you use butter,<br />

cut it into tiny pieces so that it is distributed<br />

evenly throughout the preparation, or soften<br />

it. You can substitute 15g butter for 1 tablespoon<br />

of oil. Do not add hot butter. Keep the<br />

fat from coming into contact with the yeast,<br />

as fat can prevent yeast from rehydrating. Do<br />

not use low fat spreads or butter substitutes.<br />

Eggs: eggs make the dough richer, improve the<br />

colour of the <strong>bread</strong> and encourage the development<br />

of the soft, white part. If you use eggs,<br />

reduce the quantity of liquid you use proportionally.<br />

Break the egg and top up with the liquid<br />

until you reach the quantity of liquid<br />

indicated in the recipe. Recipes are designed<br />

for one 50 g size egg; if your eggs are bigger,<br />

add a little flour; if they are smaller, use less<br />

flour.<br />

Milk: recipes use either fresh or powdered milk.<br />

If using powdered milk, add the quantity of<br />

water stated in the recipe. It enhances the flavour<br />

and improves the keeping qualities of the<br />

<strong>bread</strong>. For recipes using fresh milk, you can<br />

substitute some of it with water but the total<br />

volume must equal the quantity stated in the recipe.<br />

Semi-skimmed or skimmed milk is best to<br />

avoid <strong>bread</strong> having a close texture. Milk also has<br />

an emulsifying effect which evens out its airiness,<br />

giving the soft, white part a better aspect.<br />

Water: water rehydrates and activates the<br />

yeast. It also hydrates the starch in the flour<br />

and helps the soft, white part to form. Water<br />

can be totally or partially replaced with milk or<br />

other liquids. Use liquids at room temperature.<br />

Flour: the weight of the flour varies significantly<br />

depending on the type of flour used. Depending<br />

on the quality of the flour, baking<br />

results may also vary. Keep flour in a hermetically<br />

sealed container, as flour reacts to fluctuations<br />

in atmospheric conditions, absorbing<br />

moisture or losing it. Use “strong flour”, “<strong>bread</strong><br />

flour” or “baker’s flour” rather than standard<br />

flour. Adding oats, bran, wheat germ, rye or<br />

whole grains to the <strong>bread</strong> dough will give a<br />

smaller, heavier loaf of <strong>bread</strong>.<br />

Using T55 flour is recommended unless<br />

otherwise specified in the recipe. If you are<br />

using special flour blends for <strong>bread</strong>, brioche<br />

or rolls, do not exceed 1 kg of dough in<br />

total.<br />

Sifting the flour also affects the results: the<br />

more the flour is whole (i.e. the more of the<br />

outer envelope of the wheat it contains), the<br />

less the dough will rise and the denser the<br />

<strong>bread</strong>. You can also find ready-to-use <strong>bread</strong><br />

preparations on the market. Follow the manufacturer’s<br />

instructions when using these preparations.<br />

Usually, the choice of the programme<br />

will depend on the preparation used. For example:<br />

Wholemeal <strong>bread</strong> - Programme 3.<br />

Sugar: use white sugar, brown sugar or honey.<br />

Do not use unrefined sugar or lumps. Sugar<br />

acts as food for the yeast, gives the <strong>bread</strong> its<br />

good taste and improves browning of the crust.<br />

Artificial sweeteners cannot be substituted for<br />

sugar as the yeast will not react with them.<br />

Salt: salt gives taste to food and regulates the<br />

yeast’s activity. It should not come into<br />

contact with the yeast. Thanks to salt, the<br />

dough is firm, compact and does not rise too<br />

quickly. It also improves the structure of the<br />

dough. Use ordinary table salt. Do not use coarse<br />

salt or salt substitutes.<br />

Yeast: baker’s yeast exists in several forms:<br />

fresh in small cubes, dried and active to be rehydrated<br />

or dried and instant. Fresh yeast is<br />

sold in supermarkets (bakery or fresh produce<br />

Modern Güney Azerbaycan Edebiyatı

Kalemci, Z. (2017). Çocuk ve gençlik edebiyatı eserlerinin millî kültürün benimsenmesine etkisi, IV. Uluslararası Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı Sempozyumu: Bildiriler, 20-21 Ekim 2017 (ss. 471-476). İstanbul: [Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı Yazarları Birliği]. ÖZET Çocuklar kendi kültürlerine dair pek çok şeyi kitaplar aracılığıyla öğrenirler. Bu sebeple çocuk kitaplarının kültürel ögeleri doğru bir şekilde aktarması çok önemlidir. Her çocuk kendi kültürüyle ilgili bilgi sahibi olmalıdır. Çocukların halk hikâyeleri ve masalları, destanlar, şiirler gibi çeşitli yazın türleriyle kendi kültürlerini tanımaları sağlanmalıdır. Çocuklar kendi kültürleri hakkında bilgi sahibi olduktan sonra dünyada var olan diğer kültürlerle tanıştırılmalıdırlar. Çocuklar fantastik ögeler içeren, kahramanlıkların anlatıldığı destansı eserleri okumaktan keyif alırlar. Bu tip eserlerin devamlı haraket halinde olması, birlik beraberlik ve dayanışmayı işlemesi; bir gruba dahil olma, sevgi, liderlik, başarma, oyun ve değişiklik ihtiyacını tatmin etmesi ve sürükleyici olmasından ötürü çocuklar tarafından tercih edilmektedir. Ancak, bu tip sevilen eserler genellikle yabancı yazarlar tarafından üretilmektedir. Bir edebi eserin amacı kültürel ögeleri tanıtmak olmasada, eser yazarının kültürüne ait ögeler barındırır. Her yazar ister istemez kendi kültürüne ait ögeleri eserlerine yansıtır. Yabancı yazarların ürettikleri yayınlar her ne kadar başarılı eserler olsalar da, çocuklarımızın kendi kültürlerini tanımalarında yetersiz kalmaktadır. Bu sebeple, çocuklara kendi kültürlerinden yazarların eserleri okutulmalıdır. Zengin kültürümüze ait destan, masal ve hikâye gibi eserlerin de çocuk edebiyatı eserlerimize konu edilmesi gerekir. Bu kapsamda yerli yazarların kültürümüze ait ögeler içeren eserler üretmesi teşvik edilmelidir. ABSTRACT Children learn many things about their own culture through books. . So it is very important for children’s boks to transfer the cultural elements correctly. Every child should have the knowledge about their culture. Children should be able to recognize their own culture with various literary genres such as folk tales and epics, poems. Children have to be introduced to other cultures that exist in the world once they have knowledge of their own cultures. Children enjoy reading epic works of fantasy, including heroic tales. The reason of why children choose this type of work is, they have constant action, process unity and solidarity and satisfying, the need for being in a group, love, leadership, achievement and change. This type of popular works are usually produced by foreign authors. Although the purpose of literary work isn't promote the cultural objects, it's definitely has information about authors culture. Each author willingly or unintentionally reflects his or her own cultural objects. Although the publications produced by foreign authors are successful works, they are insufficient for our children to recognize their own culture. For this reason, children should be taught the works of authors from their own cultures. Our cultural values such as epics, fairy tales and stories must be the subject of our children's literatureworks. In this context, domestic authors should be encouraged to produce artifacts containing cultural and mental elements. In this study, which is a qualitative study, the general screening model is used. The data were collected by observation and documentary scanning technique. Some of the resources examined within the scope of the study have been chosen as examples because of their quality.

MSM88130 160 Instruction Dc7d90e7f0634b2d86e50ad13a1d4019

10Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH

For some models:

10 Whisk with gear

11 Masher attachment with gear

12 Universal cutter XL with lid

13 Universal cutter L with lid and

ice crush blade

14 Multifunction accessory with tools

15 Multifunction accessory with tools

and dicer

If the universal cutter is not included with

the hand blender, it can be ordered from

customer service (order no. 753122).

With the universal cutter use the appliance

at full power to prepare honey spread

(according to the recipe).

You can find the recipe in the operating

instructions of the universal cutter.

Place the lid on the universal cutter to keep

in the processed ingredients.


The appliance is suitable for blending

mayonnaise, sauces, mixed drinks,

baby food, cooked fruit and vegetables.

For puréeing soups.

Use the universal cutter for cutting/chopping

raw food (onions, garlic, herbs)!

It is recommended to use the supplied blender

jug. However, other suitable receptacles can

also be used.


The bottom of the receptacle which you use

must not have any bumps or recesses.

-Before using the appliance for the first

time, clean all parts of it.

Fig. 

-Completely unwind the power cord.

-Place the blender foot on the base unit

and lock into position.

-Insert the mains plug.

-Place food in the blender jug or another

tall receptacle.

The appliance works better if there is some

liquid in the ingredients.

-Set the required speed with the speed

control (Fig. -5).

It is recommended to use a low speed

setting for liquids, hot food and for mixing

(e.g. muesli in yoghurt).The high speed

settings are recommended for the

processing of more solid foods.

-Firmly hold the hand blender and jug.

-Switch on the hand blender by pressing

the required On button.

When switching on the hand blender, hold

it at a slight angle to prevent it from

“sticking” to the bottom of the blender jug.

The hand blender remains switched

on as long as the On button is pressed.

To prevent the ingredients from splashing,

do not press the On button until the blender

foot has been immersed in the ingredients.

Always switch off the hand blender before

taking it out of the processed food.

-Release the On button after processing.

After using the appliance:

-Remove mains plug.

-Press the release buttons and remove

the blender foot from the base unit.



Surfaces may be damaged.

Do not use abrasive cleaning agents.

If processing e.g. red cabbage or carrots,

the plastic parts will become discoloured

by a red film which can be removed with

a few drops of cooking oil.

-Pull out the mains plug!

-Wipe the base unit with a damp cloth and

then wipe dry.

-Blender jug and lid can be washed in the


-Clean the blender foot in the dishwasher

or with a brush under running water.

-Dry the blender foot inan upright position

(blender blade face up) so that any

trapped water can run out.


Appliances with spiral cable:

Never wind the cable around the appliance!


Important information

The appliance requires no maintenance.

Thorough cleaning protects the appliance

from damage and keeps it functional.

Electric shock risk

Never immerse the base unit in liquids and

do not clean in the dishwasher.

Before cleaning the appliance, pull out the

mains plug! Do not use a steam cleaner!


2 Fark Yaratan Lezzetler... The Taste, The Difference...


4 Krem Şanti Whipping Cream Vizyon ve Vizyon Easy Krem Şanti portföyümüz lezzetli, kolay sürülebilir, pürüzsüz yapıda tatlılar yaratmanızı sağlar. Bitkisel içerikli krem şanti ürünlerimiz dolgu, sıvama ve dekor amaçlı kullanılabilir; donma-çözülme sürecine uygundur. Vizyon and Vizyon Easy Whipping Cream varieties which have both delicious taste and easily spreadable texture will help you to prepare attractive and smooth textured desserts. Vegetable based whipping creams are suitable for filling, covering and decorative practices and are freeze-thaw stable. 1

5 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Krem fianti Aria Stella Vizyon Krem fianti Su veya Süt Toplam A rl k 2000 g 3000 g Vizyon Easy Krem fianti Su veya Süt Toplam A rl k 1500 g 2500 g 10 kg karton koli (1 kg poşet x 10 ad.) Vizyon Easy Krem fianti Krem Şanti Miksi soğuk (10-12 C) su veya süt ile yüksek devirde 3-7 dk. çırpılır (Çırpma süresi, kullanılan ekipmanın çırpma etkinliği ve ürün miktarına göre değişkenlik gösterebilir). Elde edilen krem şanti kullanılmadan önce 15 dk. buzdolabında dinlendirilmelidir. 10 kg kraft torba Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Vizyon Whipping Cream Aria Stella Vizyon Whipping Cream Water or Milk Total Weight 2000 g 3000 g Vizyon Easy Whipping Cream Water or Milk Total Weight 1500 g 2500 g 10 kg carton box (1 kg sachet x 10 pcs.) Vizyon Easy Whipping Cream Whip the cream mix with cold water or milk (10-12 C) at high speed for about 3-7 min. (Mixing time depends on the efficiency of mixing equipments and product amounts). It is suggested to keep the whipping cream in fridge for 15 min. before using. 10 kg kraft bag Линия продуктов Vizyon Взбитые Сливки Vizyon Easy Взбитые Сливки Ария Стелла Vizyon Взбитые Сливки Вода или молоко Общий вес 1000 г 2000 г 3000 г Vizyon Easy Взбитые Сливки Вода или молоко Общий вес 1000 г 1500 г 2500 г Взбить смесь взбитые сливки с холодной (10-12 С) водой или молоком в течение 3-7 минут на высоких оборотах. (Время взбивания может меняться в зависимости от количества продукта и используемого оборудования. )Перед применением, готовый продукт необходимо охладить на 15 минут в холодильникe. 10 кг картонная коробка (1 кг пакетик x 10 штук) 10 кг крафт мешок 2

6 Sıvı Krem Şanti Liquid Whipping Cream Kek ve pastacılık ürünlerinde kullanıma hazır bitkisel Sıvı Krem Şanti lezzeti ile büyülüyor! Donma-çözülme stabilitesine sahip Sıvı Krem Şanti farklı uygulamalarda krema veya soğuk süt ile karıştırılabilir. Şekerli ve şekersiz seçenekleri ile mutfağınıza özel çözümler sunar. Appetizing vegetable based Vizyon Liquid Whipping Cream is ready-to-use in cake and pastries! Freeze-thaw stable Vizyon Liquid Whipping Cream can be used for different applications by mixing with custard cream or cold milk. Sugared and sugar-free alternatives provide tailor-made solutions. 3

7 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Sıvı Krem fianti Ricca Forte Bella Perla Şekersiz Bitkisel Krema En iyi sonucu elde etmek için kullanmadan önce C'ye ulaşıncaya kadar buzdolabında soğutulur. Her türlü mikser, profesyonel blender veya çırpma teli ile istenilen kıvama gelene kadar çırpılır. Şekersiz Krem Şanti yemek, salata, makarna vb. ürünlere sos yapmak için istenen tarife uygun şekilde kullanılabilir. 12 kg karton koli (1 lt kutu x 12 ad.) (Perla) 10 lt Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Liquid Whipping Cream Ricca Forte Bella Perla Sugar-Free Vegetable Based Cream For the best result, cool it down up to C in fridge before using. Mix with any kind of mixer, professional blender or whisk. Sugar free whipping cream can be used for preparing sauces for meals, salads, pastas etc. 12 kg carton box (1 lt box x 12 pcs.) (Perla)10 lt Линия продуктов Vizyon Жидкие Взбитые Сливки Форте Рикка Белла Перла Жидкие взбитые сливки без сахара Для получения наилучшего результата, перед использованием продукт необходима продержать в холодильнике до тех пор, пока его температура не достигнет температуры от +5 до +8 градусов. Крем взбивается любыми видами миксеров, профессиональными смесителями или венчиком до нужной консистенци. Жидкие взбитые сливки без сахара можно использовать чтобы сделать соус для блюдов, макаронов, салатов по рецепту. 12 кг картонная коробка (1 л коробка x 12 шт.) (Перла)10 л 4

8 Krem Patiseri Custard Cream Kolayca hazırlanan, uzun süre tazeliğini koruyan Vizyon ve Vizyon Easy Krem Patiseri, birbirinden lezzetli profiterol, ekler, pasta, turta ve kruvasan ürünleri hazırlamanızı sağlar. Donma-çözülme sürecine dayanıklı yapısı ile çeşitli uygulamalarda güvenle kullanılabilir. By using Vizyon and Vizyon Easy Custard Cream, you will be able to prepare delicious profiteroles, eclairs, pastries, pies and croissants. You can prepare your products easily with freze-thaw stable Vizyon and Vizyon Easy Custard Cream and they remain fresh for a long time. 5

9 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Krem Patiseri Sade Kakaolu Vizyon Easy Krem Patiseri Krem Patiseri Su veya Süt Toplam Krema A rl 2500 g 3500 g Krem Patiseri Miksi su veya süt ile yüksek devirde 3-4 dk. çırpıldıktan sonra kullanıma hazır hale gelir. (Çırpma süresi kullanılan ekipmanın çırpma etkinliği ve ürün miktarına göre değişkenlik gösterebilir.) 10 kg karton koli (1 kg poşet x 10 ad.) 10 kg kraft torba Brand Name Directions for Use Package Vizyon Custard Cream Neutral Chocolate Vizyon Easy Custard Cream Custard Cream Water or Milk 2500 g Total Cream Weight 3500 g Whip the Custard Cream Mix with water or milk at high speed for about 3-4 min. (Mixing time depends on the efficiency of mixing equipments and product amounts.) 10 kg carton box (1 kg sachet x 10 pcs.) 10 kg kraft bag Нейтральный Шоколадный Vizyon Easy Смесь заварной крем будет готов после взбивание с водой или молоком в течение 3-4 минут на высоких оборотах. (Время взбивания может меняться в зависимости от количества продукта и используемого оборудования.) 10 кг картонная коробка (1 кг пакетик x 10 штук) 10 кг крафт мешок 6

10 Soğuk Jel Cold Glaze Pastalarınıza kalıcı parlaklık veren ve nem kaybını azaltarak ilk günkü mükemmel görünümünü uzun süre koruyan Vizyon ve Vizyon Easy Soğuk Jel; donma-çözülme sürecine uygun, kolay sürülebilir ve her türlü pastaya uygulanabilir. Vizyon and Vizyon Easy Cold Glaze provide perfect appearance like the first day to your cakes by minimizing moisture loss and offers long lasting shine. They are stable for freeze-thaw process, as well as easy spreadable and applicable on all kinds of cake types. 7

11 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon So uk Jel Vizyon Easy So uk Jel Sade Çikolatalı Karamelli Frambuazlı Viflneli Çilekli Mangolu Beyaz Portakallı Limonlu Muzlu Kivili Yaban Mersinli Ananaslı Pasta üzerine uygulanabilir akışkan forma ulaşıncaya kadar karıştırılır. İsteğe bağlı olarak su eklenebilir. Spatül veya fırça yardımıyla ürünün üzerine uygulanır. 28 kg karton koli (7 kg kova x 4 ad.) Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Vizyon Cold Glaze Vizyon Easy Cold Glaze Neutral Chocolate Caramel Raspberry Sour Cherry Strawberry Mango White Orange Lemon Banana Kiwi Blueberry Pineapple Put the required amount of cold glaze into a bowl and stir until it gets a smooth texture for an easy application. It can be applied directly on the surface of the product with a brush or spatula. 28 kg carton box (7 kg pail x 4 pcs.) Название продукта Линия продуктов Упаковка Vizyon Холодные Глазури Vizyon Easy Холодные Глазури Нейтральный Шоколадный Карамельный Малиновый Вишневый Клубничный Манго Белый Апельсиновый Лимонный Банановый Киви Черникой Ананасовый Взбить до консистенции, при которой его можно наносить торт. В соответствии с желанием можна добавить воду. Наносится на готовой продукции с помощью кулинарной лопатки или кисточки. 28 кг картонная коробка (7 кг ведро x 4 штук) 8

12 Simli Soğuk Jel Glamour Cold Glaze Pastalarınızın ışıldayarak göz alıcı bir hale gelmesi için Vizyon Simli Soğuk Jel ile kaplamanız yeterli. Kullanıma hazır ve donma-çözülme sürecine dayanıklı olma özellikleri ile hem pratik, hem de şık pastalar, tartlar ve tatlılar yapmak artık çok kolay! For sparkling and glamorous cakes, coat them with Vizyon Glamour Cold Glaze. It is now easier to make both practical and stylish cakes, tarts and desserts due to its ready-to-use and freeze-thaw stable features. 9

13 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Simli So uk Jel Portakallı Karamelli Frambuazlı Gümüfl Alt n Yaban Mersinli Kullan lacak miktarda simli soğuk jel bir kab n içine al narak kolayca sürülebilir forma gelinceye kadar ç rp l r. Son ürününüzde tam bir görsel şölen oluşturacak simli soğuk jeller direkt veya istenilen k vama göre bir miktar su ile kar şt r larak pastac l k ürünleri üzerine spatül veya f rça yard m yla kolayca sürülür. 15 kg karton koli (2,5 kg kova x 6 ad.) Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Vizyon Glamour Cold Glaze Orange Caramel Raspberry Silver Gold Blueberry Put the required amount of glamour cold glaze into a bowl and whip it until it gets a smooth texture to be easily applied. Glamour cold glaze providing a spectacular image to your pastry products can be applied with a brush or spatula directly or after whipping with some water according to desired texture. 15 kg carton box (2,5 kg pail x 6 pcs.) Название продукта Линия продуктов Упаковка Гель с Блестками Апельсиновый Карамельный Малиновый Серебристой Золотой черника Взять необходимое количество холодного желе с блёстками, поместить его в посуду и взбить до консистенции, при которой его можно наносить на торт. Для того, чтобы создать визуальный праздник на готовой продукции, наносите холодное желе на торт с помощью кулинарной лопатки или кисточки непосредственно или в соответствии с желаемой консистенцией смешайте желе с определённым количеством воды 15 кг картонная коробка (2,5 кг ведро х 6 штук) 10

14 Soslar Toppings Dondurma, pasta ve keklerinize Vizyon Sosları ile son dokunuşlar! Vizyon Sosları kullanarak yapacağınız yaratıcı sunumlar ile göz kamaştıran lezzetli ürünler elde edebilirsiniz. Make your finishing touch by using Vizyon Toppings on your ice creams, pastries and cakes. You can prepare glamorous delicious desserts and creative presentations with Vizyon Toppings. 11

15 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Sos Çikolatalı Karamelli Çilekli Frambuazlı Kivili Viflneli Portakallı Yaban Mersinli Süsleme amaçlı istenilen şekil ve miktarda kullanılır. 6 kg karton koli (1 kg şişe x 6 ad.) Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Vizyon Topping Chocolate Caramel Strawberry Raspberry Kiwi Sour Cherry Orange Blueberry Use for decorating as desired amount. 6 kg carton box (1 kg bottle x 6 pcs.) Название продукта Линия продуктов Упаковка Vizyon Топпинг Соусы Шоколадный Карамельный Клубничный Малиновый Киви Вишневый Оранжевый черника В целью украшения, используется в желаемом количестве для мороженных, десертов и кондитерских изделий. 6 кг картонная коробка (1 кг x 6 шт.) 12

16 Profiterol Sosu Profiterole Sauce Yoğun çikolata tadı ile ürünlerinize lezzet veren, canlılık ve parlaklık kazandıran Vizyon Profiterol Soslarını profiterol, pasta, kek, tart ve dondurmalarda dekor ve kaplama sosu olarak kullanabilirsiniz. Vizyon Profiterole Sauces can be used as decorating or coating sauce on profiteroles, pastries, cakes, tarts and ice-creams. It will enrich your products with its intense chocolate taste, colour and shiny apperance. 13

17 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Çikolatalı Profiterol Sosu Vizyon Bitter Profiterol Sosu Kaşıkla yavaşça karıştırılıp homojen hale getirildikten sonra direkt veya isteğe bağlı su veya soğuk süt ilave edilerek profiterol toplarının üzerine uygulanır. 28 kg karton koli (7 kg kova x 4 ad.) Brand Name Directions for Use Package Vizyon Chocolate Profiterole Sauce Vizyon Bitter Profiterole Sauce Homogenize by stirring with a spoon. Then, apply on the product directly or mix with cold milk or water before. 28 kg carton box (7 kg pail x 4 pcs.) Vizyon Шоколадный Соус для профитеролей Vizyon Соус из Горького Шоколада для профитеролей Помешивая ложкой доведите до однородной массы, затем непосредственно, или добавив воду или холодного молоко, залейте соус на профитероль шарики. 28 кг картонная коробка (7 кг ведроx 4 шт.) 14

18 Decocover Pasta Sosu Decocover Premium Glaze Vizyon Pasta Sosları, mükemmel görünüşün yanında lezzetten ödün vermek istemeyenler için harika bir alternatif. Çikolata içeriği sayesinde pastalarınıza lezzet katıp parlaklık sağlarken, nem kaybını da en aza indirmenizi sağlar. Vizyon Premium Glaze is a great alternative for those who do not want to pass over the taste. Thanks to its chocolate content Vizyon Premium Glaze add flavor and brightness to your cakes, while also reducing moisture loss. 15

19 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Decocover Pasta Sosu Bitter Çikolatalı Beyaz Çikolatalı Frambuaz Aromalı İstenilen miktarda sos, direkt veya benmari usulü eritilip istenilen kıvama geldikten sonra pasta üzerine uygulanır. 24 kg karton koli (6 kg kova x 4 ad.) Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Vizyon Decocover Premium Glaze Bitter Chocolate White Chocolate Raspberry Flavored The desired amount of sauce can be applied directly on the cake, or can be used after heated in a benmaire until it reaches desired consistency. 24 kg carton box (6 kg pail x 4 pcs.) Название продукта Линия продуктов Упаковка Vizyon Decocover Глазурь для торта С горьким шоколадом С белым шоколадом С ароматом малины Необходимое количество глазури растопить непосредственно на огне или на водяной бане, по достижении желаемой консистенции использовать для покрытия торта. 24 кг картонная коробка (6 кг ведро x 4 штук) 16

20 Chococover Ganaj Sosu Chococover Ganache Sauce Hızlı ve pratik kullanımı ile Vizyon Chococover her defasında standart tat ve parlaklıkta ürünler elde etmenizi sağlar. Pastacılık ürünlerini kaplamada, çeşitlendirme amaçlı şanti ve kremalarla karıştırılarak da kullanılabilir. Yoğun tadı ile pastalarınıza lezzet katar. Vizyon Chococover enables quick and practical use while gives your products standart taste and glow. Intense flavoured Vizyon Chococover can be used on pastry products for coating and mixing with whipping and custard creams to vary. Whipping and custard creams can be enriched by mixing with Chococover. 17

21 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Chococover Ganaj Sosu Bitter Fildifli Karamel Kaplama Amaçlı Kullanım: Ürün tercihen benmari usulü ya da mikrodalga fırında C ye ısıtılarak tamamen eritilir ve pasta kaplama amaçlı kullanılır. İç Dolgu Olarak Kullanım: Ürün tercihe göre %30 veya %50 oranında çırpılmış bitkisel krema ile karıştırılarak dolgu amaçlı kullanılır. 24 kg karton koli (6 kg kova x 4 ad.) Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Vizyon Chococover Ganache Sauce Bitter Ivory Caramel For Coating Applications: Heat up to C in a bainmaire or microwave to melt completely for coating cakes. For Filling Applications: Mix with whipped Vizyon Liquid Whipping Cream at the ratio of 30% or 50% and use for filling purposes. 24 kg carton box (6 kg pail x 4 pcs.) Название продукта Линия продуктов Упаковка Vizyon Chococover Ганаш Соус Темный Белый карамель Применение В Качестве Покрытия: Продукт предпочтительно на водяной бане или в микроволновой печи полностью расплавляют разогревая до С и используется для покрытия торта. Применение В Качестве Начинки: Ганаш предпочтительно смешивают с взбитыми растительными сливками (%30 или %50) и используется в качестве начинки. 24 кг картонная коробка (6 кг ведро x 4 шт.) 18

22 Chococoat Çikolatalı Modelleme Hamuru Chococoat Chocolate Modelling Dough Çikolata içeriği ile ürünlere lezzet veren, figürlük ve kaplamalık kullanımı ile uygulama çeşitliliği sağlayan Vizyon Chococoat Bitter ve Fildişi çeşitlerini deneyin! Detaylı figür ve süslemeri kolaylıkla yapabilir, uzun süre tazeliğini, esnekliğini ve nemliliğini koruyan ürünler elde edebilirsiniz. Try out our Vizyon Chococoat Bitter and Ivory chocolate modelling dough which give excellent taste by its chocolate content and provide application varieties by its coating and figuring characteristics! You can get products that remain fresh, flexible and moist for a long period which also enables you to make detailed figures and decorations. 19

23 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Chococoat Çikolatalı Modelleme Hamuru Bitter Fildifli Ortamın ve hamurun sıcaklığına göre ürün direkt işlenebilir veya mikrodalga fırında ısıtıldıktan sonra kullanılabilir. Hamur yoğurulur ve merdane ile istenen incelikte açılarak kaplama veya dekor uygulamaları yapılabilir. Mikrodalga fırındaki ısıtma süresi hamur miktarına ve sıcaklığına bağlı olarak değişkenlik gösterebilir. Hamurun fazla ısıtılması durumunda mermer tezgah veya +4 C' deki soğutucuda bekletilerek işlenebilir kıvama getirilir. 12 kg karton koli (1 kg kova x 12 ad.) Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Vizyon Chococoat Chocolate Modelling Dough Bitter Ivory Depending on the temperature of ambient and dough, use the modelling dough directly or warm in microwave oven. Knead until it reaches the right consistency and spread it with roller for coating and decorating use. Microwaving time may vary due to the amount of dough being used and temperature. Lay the dough on a marble surface or keep it in cooler at 4 C until it reaches the right consistency in case of over heating. 12 kg carton box (1 kg pail x 12 pcs.) Название продукта Линия продуктов Упаковка Vizyon Chococoat Шоколад для Моделирования Темный Белый В соответствии температуры продукта нагревая в микроволновой печи или прямо доводим тесто до нужной консистенции. Замесить тесто и раскатать при помощи скалки, после чего использовать для покрития тортов или лепки фигурок. Время микроволнового нагрева может изменяться в зависимости от количества и температуры теста. Если тесто более нагрет, доводится до работоспособной консистенции, поставляя на мраморные скамейки или +4 С в холодильнике. 12 кг картонная коробка (1 кг ведро x 12 штук) 20

24 Şeker Hamuru Sugar Paste Esnek ve kolay açılan Vizyon Şeker Hamuru ile yırtılma yapmadan pastalarınızı kaplayabilir, çabuk şekil alma ve dayanıklılık özelliğinden faydalanarak kalıcı figürler yaratıp vitrinlerinizi süsleyebilirsiniz. Thanks to its flexibility and easy rolling structure you can coat your cakes, while you adorn your showcase by creating stable figures due to its quick taking shape and durability features. 21

25 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon fieker Hamuru Beyaz K rm z Siyah Mavi Yeflil Mor Fuflya Sar Pembe Kahverengi Turuncu Erguvan Aç k Yeflil Krem Rengi Somon Rengi Ürün yoğurularak işlenebilir kıvama getirilir. Merdane ile inceltilir ve pasta üzerine kaplanır. İstenilen formda figür ve dekoratif şekiller yapılarak pasta süslenir. 24 kg karton koli (6 kg kova x 4 ad.) 12 kg karton koli (1 kg poflet x 12 ad.) 12 kg karton koli (500 g poflet x 24 ad.) 12 kg karton koli (250 g poflet x 48 ad.) Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Vizyon Sugar Paste White Red Black Blue Green Purple Fuchsia Yellow Pink Brown Orange Dark Magenta Light Green Cream Light Salmon Knead until it is soft and pliable. Thin it with a rolling pin to appropriate thickness. You can also decorate your cakes by making figures and shapes in desired form. 24 kg carton box (6 kg pail x 4 pcs.) 12 kg carton box (1 kg sachet x 12 pcs.) 12 kg carton box (500 g sachet x 24 pcs.) 12 kg carton box (250 g sachet x 48 pcs.) Название продукта Линия продуктов Упаковка Vizyon Сахарная Тесто Белый Красный Черный Синий Зеленый Фиолетовый Фуксия Желтый Розовый Коричневый Оранжевый Темно-Пурпурный Светло-Зеленый Кремовый Светлый сомон Замесить тесто до достижения нужной консистенции. Раскатать с помощью скалки и покрывать на торт. Применяется также для изготовления различных фигурных деталей украшения кондитерских изделий пакетик пакетик пакетик 48 22

26 Model Hamuru Gum Paste Hızlı kuruma ve elastikiyet özelliklerine sahip Vizyon Gum Paste Model Hamuru, pasta ve tatlılarda, detaylı süsleme ve figür yapmak için ideal tercih! Vizyon Gum Paste is used on pastries and desserts for detailed decoration and figure making due to its instant drying and flexibility features. 23

27 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Beyaz Model Hamuru Yoğrularak istenilen kıvama getirildikten sonra merdane ile açılarak kullanılır. Figür yapımına uygundur. Gıda boyaları ve aromaları kullanılarak çeşitlendirilebilir. 12 kg karton koli (1 kg kova x 12 ad.) Brand Name Directions for Use Package Vizyon White Gum Paste Knead until it reaches the desired consistency, spread it with roller. It is suitable for making figures. It can also be diversified by adding coloring agents and flavouring. 12 kg carton box (1 kg pail x 12 pcs.) Название продукта Упаковка Vizyon Белая Цветочная Мастика Замесить тесто до нужной консистенции и раскатать с помощью скалки. Подходящий для моделирование и лепки фигурок. Можна добавить разные красители для получения желаемого цвета и ароматизаторы. 12 кг картонная коробка (1 кг ведро x 12 штук) 24

28 Decopowder Dantel Tozu Decopowder Lace Mix Dantelli figürlerin yapımı için kullanılan Vizyon Decopowder Dantel Tozu ile pastalarınıza şık detaylar katın. Vizyon Decopowder Lace Mix is used for preparing laced figures, helps you to add stylish and elegant details on your products. 25

29 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Decopowder Dantel Tozu Vizyon Dantel Tozu Su (40-45 C) Kurutma Fırında Hızlı Kurutma (Konveksiyonel) Fırında Hızlı Kurutma (Taş Tabanlı) (Fırın tabanından yükseltilmelidir.) 100 g 80 g Ortam koşullarında 3 saat 120 C 80 C 120 C 80 C 6-8 dk dk dk dk. Çırpma: Miks ve su mikserde tel çırpıcı ile 2 dk. orta devirde çırpılır. Elde edilen karışım spatula yardımıyla dantel şablonuna yayılır. Eşit miktarda dolum için karışım spatula ile düzleştirilir ve fazla hamur alınır. Ürün oda sıcaklığında ya da fırında kurutulabilir. Kurutma işleminin ardından şablon sert bir zeminde ters çevrilir ve spatula yardımıyla şekil şablondan dikkatlice çıkartılır. 5 kg karton koli (250 g poşet x 20 ad.) 25 kg karton koli Brand Name Directions for Use Package Vizyon Decopowder Lace Mix Vizyon Decopowder Lace Mix Water (40-45 C) Drying Quick Drying in Oven (Convection) Quick Drying in Oven (Deck Oven) (Trays should be put higher than the oven surface.) 100 g 80 g 3 hrs. at ambient conditions 120 C 80 C 120 C 80 C 6-8 min min min min. Mixing: 2 min. in medium speed with whisk in mixer. Spread the acquired mix on the lace template using a palette knife. Smoothen the template surface with palette knife and remove extra paste with light pressure. Keep it dry in ambient temperature or in oven. After drying process; turn the template upside down on a firm ground and remove figure caerfully with a palette knife. 5 kg carton box (250 g sachet x 20 pcs.) 25 kg carton box Название продукта Упаковка Vizyon Decopowder Сахарное Кружево (Айсинг ) Vizyon Порошок Сахарного Кружево Вода (40-45 C) Высушивание Быстрая сушка в печи (конвекционная) Быстрая сушка в печи (Подовая) (Лотки должны быть подняты из базы печи) 100 г 80 г При комнатной температуре 3 часа 120 C 80 C 120 C 80 C 6-8 мин мин мин мин. Взбивание: Взбить в течение 2 минут с венчиком миксером на средной скорости до получения кремообразной консистенции. Распределить смесь с помощью шпателя на поверхности шаблона. Для равномерного распределения смеси на кружевом узоре разровнять шпателем поверхность изделия и удалить избытки смеси. Можно сушить в комнатной температуре или в печи. После процесса сушки инвертировать на твердую поверхность, а затем аккуратно снимаем полученный ажур с коврика. 5 кг картонная коробка (250 г пакетики x 20 шт.) 25 кг картонная коробка 26

30 Meyveli Pastacılık Dolgusu Fruity Pastry Filling Vizyon Meyveli Pastacılık Dolgusu kek, kurabiye, pasta, turta ve benzeri hafif fırıncılık ürünlerinde dolgu, süsleme ve çeşitlendirme amaçlı olarak kullanılabilir. Gerçek meyve parçaları içermesi, pişmeye ve donma-çözülme sürecine dayanlıklı yapıda olması ile kullanım çeşitliliği sağlar. Vizyon Fruity Pastry Fillings can be used with pastries, cookies, cakes, pies and similar bakery products for filling, decorating and flavouring.bakestable and freeze-thaw stable Vizyon Fruity Pastry Filling enriches your products with real fruit pieces. 27

31 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Meyveli Pastac l k Dolgusu ncirli Kay s l Elmalı Frambuazlı Karaorman Meyveli İstenilen miktarda dolgu direkt veya sıkma torbası kullanılarak ürünün içine veya üzerine uygulanır. 16 kg karton koli (4 kg kova x 4 ad.) Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Vizyon Fruity Pastry Filling Fig Apricot Apple Raspberry Black Forest Fruits Desired amount of filling can be used directly or with pastry bags into/onto the products. 16 kg carton box (4 kg pail x 4 pcs.) Название продукта Линия продуктов Упаковка Vizyon Фруктовые Кондитерские Начинки Инжирный Абрикосовый Яблочный Малиновый Лесными Ягодами Желаемое количество крем наполнителя используется в качестве начинок или наносится на изделии непосредственно или используя кондитерский мешок. Устойчив к выпечке и замораживанию. 16 кг картонная коробка (4 кг ведро x 4 штук) 28

32 Dolgu Kreması Filling Cream Pişmeye ve donma-çözülme sürecine dayanıklı Vizyon Dolgu Kreması pasta, kek, kruvasan ve tatlılarda direkt dolgu olarak veya süsleme amaçlı kullanılabilir. Çeşitlendirme için krema, kek, kurabiye ve benzeri hamurlara eklenebilir. Vizyon Filling Cream can be applied directly on pastries, cakes, croissants and desserts as filling or used for decoration purposes. Bakestable and freeze-thaw stable Vizyon Filling Cream can be added to custard creams, cake batters, cookie doughs etc. for creating new varieties. 29

33 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Dolgu Kremas Çikolatalı Karamelli Sütlü Karamelli Portakall Elmal & Tarç nl Viflneli Çilekli Limonlu Vanilyal Portakal Parçal Viflne Parçal İstenilen miktarda dolgu kreması sıkma torbası kullanılarak ürünün içine veya üzerine uygulanır. 24 kg karton koli (4 kg kova x 6 ad.) Vizyon Easy Dolgu Kremas Çikolatalı Karamelli Portakallı Çilekli Limonlu Vanilyal 28kg karton koli (7 kg kova x 4 ad.) Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Vizyon Filling Cream Chocolate Caramel Milk Caramel Orange Apple & Cinnamon Sour Cherry Strawberry Lemon Vanilla Orange Pieces Sour Cherry Pieces Desired amount of filling cream can be applied directly into/onto the product by using pastry bag. 24 kg carton box (4 kg pail x 6 pcs.) Vizyon Easy Filling Cream Chocolate Caramel Orange Strawberry Lemon Vanilla 28 kg carton box 7 kg pail x 4 pcs.) Название продукта Линия продуктов Упаковка Vizyon Easy шоколад Карамельный Тоффи-Карамель Апельсиновый Яблочно-корица Вишневый шоколад Карамельный Апельсиновый Клубничный Лимонный Ванильный Апельсиновый (с кусочками фруктов) Вишневый (с кусочками фруктов) Клубничный Лимонный Ванильный Желаемое количество крем наполнителя используется в качестве начинок или наносится на изделии непосредственно или используя кондитерский мешок. Устойчив к выпечке и замораживанию. 24 кг картонная коробка (4 кг ведро x 6 штук) 28 кг картонная коробка (7 кг ведро x 4 штук) 30

34 Şarlot Tozu Charlotte-Mousse Vizyon Şarlot tozu ile hafif ve lezzetli pastalar yapabilir, pratik kullanımları ile zamandan kazanabilir ve özgün tasarımlara imza atabilirsiniz. The easiest way of making delicious cakes is to use Vizyon Charlotte Mixes! Charlotte mixes allows you to create various unique designed desserts. 31

35 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon fiarlot Tozu 200 g Vizyon fiarlot Tozu Tiramisulu Çikolatalı Çilekli Sade Frambuazlı Muzlu Kivili Limonlu Su Az Ç rp lm fl Vizyon Krem fianti 250 g Şarlot tozu suda (25 C) eritildikten sonra az çırpılmış Vizyon Krem Şanti ile karıştırılır. Hazırlanan karışım kalıplara döküldükten sonra dondurucuda -18 C'de 12 saat veya -35 C'de 1-2 saat dondurulur. Servis edilmeden önce +4 C'de min. 3 saat çözündürülür. 5 kg karton koli (1 kg poflet x 5 ad.) Vizyon Easy fiarlot Tozu Tiramisulu Çikolatalı Çilekli Sade Frambuazlı Muzlu Kivili Limonlu Portakallı Vizyon Easy fiarlot Tozu 200 g Su 250 g Az Ç rp lm fl Vizyon Krem fianti 5 kg karton koli (1 kg poflet x 5 ad.) Şarlot tozunu suda eritip,ç rp lm ş krem şantiye iki aşamada kar şt r n. So utucuda dinlendirin. Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Vizyon Charlotte /Mousse 200 g Vizyon Charlotte - Mousse Tiramisu Chocolate Strawberry Neutral Raspberry Banana Kiwi Lemon Water Lightly Whipped Vizyon Whipping Cream 250 g Dissolve charlotte in water (25 C) then mix it with lightly whipped Vizyon Whipping Cream. Pour into moulds and freeze for 12 hrs. at 18 C, or 1-2 hrs. at -35 C. Defrost for 3 hrs. at +4 C before service. 5 kg carton box (1 kg sachet x 5 pcs.) Vizyon Easy Charlotte - Mousse Tiramisu Chocolate Strawberry Neutral Raspberry Banana Kiwi Lemon Orange Vizyon Easy Charlotte /Mousse Water Lightly Whipped Vizyon Whipping Cream 200 g 250 g Dissolve the Charlotte Powder in water and mix it with the whipped cream at two phases. Rest the mixture in fridge. 5 kg carton box (1 kg sachet x 5 pcs.) Название продукта Линия продуктов Упаковка Vizyon Порошок Фонды-стабилизаторы Vizyon Фонды-Стабилизаторы/Мусс Тирамису Шоколадный Клубничный Нейтральный Малиновый Бананoвый Киви Лимонный Взбитые Сливки Растворите смесь в воде(25 C) и смешайте со взбитыми сливками. Наливайте смесь на формы, затем поставьте в холодильник при температуре 18 C за 12 часа, или -35 C за 1-2 часа. Размораживайте при температуре +4 C минимум 3 часа перед подачей на стола. 5 1 пакетик 5 Vizyon Easy Фонды-Стабилизаторы/Мусс Тирамису Шоколадный Клубничный Нейтральный Малиновый Бананoвый Киви Лимонный Апельсиновый Vizyon Easy Порошок Фонды-стабилизаторы Взбитые Сливки Растворите порошок Шарлотты в воде и смешайте его со взбитыми сливками в два этапа. Оставьте смесь в холодильнике. 5 1 пакетик 5 32

36 Makaron Macaron Vizyon Makaron mükemmel gevrek kabuğu, yumuşak ve nemli iç yapısı ile standart, pratik ve leziz makaronlar yapmanızı sağlar. Vizyon Macaron provides perfectly shaped crispy crust, soft and moist internal structure in macarons without having to sacrifice from the quality standarts. 33

37 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Makaron Vizyon Makaron Miksi Su (50-55 C) Taş Taban Fırında (Taş tabanlı fırında tepsinin altına ikinci bir tepsi konularak tabandan yükseltilmesi etek oluşumu için önerilmektedir.) Konveksiyonel Fırında (Her yönden ve sürekli üflemeli fırın) 200 g Alt: 1300C Üst: 1400C C dk dk. Palet çırpıcı ile 4-5 dk. hızlı devirde çırpılır. Tepsiye yerleştirilen silpatın üzerine makaron hamuru sıkılır ve bekletilmeden fırına atılır.pişirme süresi ve sıcaklığı fırın tipine göre değişiklik gösterir. 5 kg karton koli (5 kg poflet x 1 ad.) Brand Name Directions for Use Package Vizyon Macaron Vizyon Macaron Mix Water (50-55 C) Deck Oven (It is suggested placing another empty tray under for formation of skirt.) Convection Oven (Continuous and all around air blowing) 200 g Bottom: 1300C Top: 1400C C min min. Mix with palette mixer for 4-5 min. at high speed. Squeeze on silicone baking mat placed on a tray without any delay.baking time and temperature varies depending on the oven type. 5 kg carton box (5 kg sachet x 1 pcs.) Название продукта Упаковка Vizyon Смесь для Макарона Vizyon Смесь для Макарона Вода (50-55 C) Печь с Каменным Поддоном (В процессе выпечки рекомендуется положить под противень пустой поддон для юбкой внешность ) Конвекционная Печь (доменная печь со всех сторон и постоянно) 1000 г 200 г Вниз: 130⁰C Верх: 140⁰C ⁰C мин мин. Смесь взбивается 4-5 мин. с плоским взбивателям. Уложить тесто в кондитерский мешочек, отсадить макароны на противень и выпекать в печи.время выпекание и температура меняется в зависимости от типа печи. 5 кг картонная коробка (5 кг пакетик x 1 штук) 34

38 Pataşu Miksi& Hazır Pastacılık Kreması Pate a Choux& Ready-To- Use Custard Cream Ekler ve profiterol yapmak Vizyon ile artık çok kolay! Vizyon Pataşu Miksi ile ince ve gevrek ekler, profiterol topları vb. ürünleri aynı standartta ve hızla pişirebilir;vizyon Hazır Pastacılık Kreması ile kolayca lezzetlendirebilirsiniz! Vizyon brings you the easiest way of making eclairs and profiteroles. Thin and crispy éclairs, profiteroles and etc. can be prepared quickly with Vizyon Pate a Choux Mix and enriched with Vizyon Ready-To-Use Custard Cream. 35

39 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Pataşu Miksi & Vizyon Hazır Pastacılık Kreması Vizyon Pataşu Miksi Su Sıvı Yağ Toplam Ağırlık 2300 g 300 g 3600 g Taş Taban Fırında Konveksiyonel Fırında Alt: 1700C Üst: 1800C 1700C dk dk. Miks, su ve sıvı yağ mikserde palet çırpıcı ile 3-4 dk orta devirde çırpılır. Elde edilen hamur 5-10 dk. dinlendirilir. Dinlendirilen hamur tepsilere istenen şekilde sıkılır ve taş taban/konveksiyonel fırında belirtilen sıcaklık ve sürede pişirilir. Pişirilmiş ve soğutulmuş ürüne Vizyon Hazır Pastacılık Kreması hiçbir işleme gerek duymadan direkt sıkılarak uygulanır. 10 kg kraft torba 24 kg karton koli (6 kg kova x 4 ad.) 18 kg kova Brand Name Directions for Use Package Vizyon Pate a Choux Mix & Vizyon Ready-To-Use Custard Cream Vizyon Pate a Choux Mix Water Oil Total Weight 2300 g 300 g 3600 g Deck Oven Conveciton Oven Bottom: 1700C Top: 1800C 1700C min min. Mix with water and oil using whisk (with palette mixer) for 3-4 min. at medium level. Rest dough for 5-10 min. Squeeze it on a baking tray as desired and bake in convection/deck oven according to temperature and time detailed. After baking and cooling processes; squeeze Vizyon Ready-To-Use Custard Cream in/on the product directly. 10 kg kraft bag 24 kg carton box (6 kg pail x 4 pcs.) 18 kg pail Название продукта Упаковка Vizyon Смесь для Заварного Теста & Vizyon Готовый Кондитерский Крем Vizyon Смесь для Заварного Теста Вода Растительное Масло Общий весь 1000 г 2300 г 300 г 3600 г Печь с Каменным Поддоном Конвекционная Печь Вниз: 170⁰C Верх: 180⁰C 170⁰C мин мин. Взбить в миксере с лопаточкой на средней скорости в течение 3-4 мин. Отставьте охладить получаемое тесто в течение 5-10 минут. Выжимать тесто на противень в желаемом форме и выпекать в печи. После выпечка и охлаждение прямо выжимайте Визьен готовый кондитерский крем внутри профитроли и эклеры & 36

40 Fırın & Soğuk Cheesecake Baked & Ready-To- Use Cheesecake Pratik kullanımı ve eşsiz lezzeti ile öne çıkan Vizyon Fırın ve Soğuk Cheesecake toz karışımları harika cheesecakeler hazırlamanızı sağlar. You can prepare delicious and simple to make cheesecakes by using Vizyon Baked and Ready-To-Use Cheesecake powder mixes. 37

41 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon F r n Cheesecake Vizyon F r n Cheesecake Toz Kar fl m 400 g Yumurta 320 g Su 250 g Labne Peyniri 800 g Toplam Ağırlık 1770 g Taş Tabanlı Fırında Konveksiyonel Fırında 160 C dk. 140 C dk. Toz karışım yumurta, su ve labne peynir ile karıştılır. 1 dk. yavaş, 2-3 dk. hızlı devirde çırpılır, cheesecake kalıplarının içine dökülür. Tepsi tabanına su koyularak fırına atılır. Fırın tipine göre belirtilen derecede ve süreyle pişirilir. Pişme işlemi tamamlandıktan sonra fırın kapağı kapalı olarak dk. fırında dinlendirilir. Fırından çıkan ürün oda sıcaklığına geldikten sonra en az 6 saat buzdolabında bekletilir. Vizyon Pastacılık Dolgu Kremaları, Vizyon Dolgu Kremaları cheesecake üzerine sürülerek servis edilir. 10 kg kraft torba Vizyon So uk Cheesecake Vizyon So uk Cheesecake Toz Kar fl m Su Ç rp lm fl Sıvı Krem fianti Labne veya Maskarpon Peyniri ( öneri) 200 g 250 g 250 g Toz karışım suda eritildikten sonra çırpılmış Vizyon Sıvı Krem Şanti yavaş yavaş bu karışıma ilave edilir. Ardından labne veya mascarpon peyniri eklenir. Karışım kalıplara döküldükten sonra derin dondurucuda en az 2 saat dinlendirilir. Arzu edilen Vizyon Pastacılık Sosları ile servis edilir. 5 kg karton koli (1 kg poflet x 5 ad.) Toplam Ağırlık 1700 g Brand Name Directions for Use Package Vizyon Baked Cheesecake Vizyon Baked Cheesecake Powder 400 g Whole Egg 320 g Water 250 g Labneh Cheese 800 g Total Weight 1770 g Deck Oven Convection Oven 160 C min. 140 C min. Mix Vizyon Baked Cheesecake powder with eggs, water and labneh cheese for 1 min. slow then 2-3 min. at high speed. Pour the obtained batter onto the cheesecake crust and pour some water on tray ground. Bake according to the oven type, time and temperature given.rest the cake in the oven for min. and then cool it down in room temperature. Keep the cheesecake in the refrigerator for 6-8 hrs. Spread Vizyon Pastry Filling Creams or Vizyon Filling Creams on top before serving. 10 kg kraft bag Vizyon Ready-To-Use Cheesecake Vizyon Ready-To-Use Cheesecake Powder Water Liquid Whipped Cream Labneh or Mascarpone Cheese (optional) Total Weight 200 g 250 g 250 g 1700 g Dissolve Vizyon Ready-To-Use Cheesecake powder in water and add liquid whipped cream slowly. Add labneh and mascarpone cheese into the mixture. Pour into moulds and keep in the deep freezer for at least 2 hrs. Serve it with desired Vizyon Pastry Filling. 5 kg carton box (1 kg sachet x 5 pcs.) Название продукта Упаковка Vizyon Выпечной Чизкейк Vizyon Смесь для Выпечного Чизкейка 400 г Яйца 320 г Вода 250 г Сливочный Сыр 800 г Общий Вес 1770 г Подовая Печь 160 C мин. Конвекционная печь 140 C мин. Порошковая смесь смешиваются с яйцами, водой и сливочным сыром. Взбиваются на медленном скорости в течение 1 минут, на быстрой скорости в течение 2-3 минут и вливаются в форму для чизкейка. Поставим в печь помещая воду в базу противни. Выпекаем при указанном температуре. После выпекание не открывая дверцу духовки, оставим на духовки в течение минут. Вынуть продукт из духовки и после прихода к комнатной температуре охладить в холодильнике минимум на 6 часов. Подавать нанесения Vizyon кремы начинки, фруктовые начинки над чизкейка. 10 кг крафт мешок Vizyon Холодный Чизкейк Vizyon Смесь для Холодного Чизкейка Вода Жидкие Взбитые Сливки Сливочный Сыр или маскарпоне 200 г 250 г 1000 г 250 г После растворение смесь для холодного чизкейка в воде и добавьте взбитые сливки к смеси медленно. Вслед добавте сливочный сыр или сыр маскарпоне. Вылить смесь по формам, поставить в морозильник и остывать минимально на 2 часа. Подавать с желаемым Vizyon кондитерским соусом. 5 кг картонная коробка (1 кг пакетик x 5 штук) Общий Вес 1700 г 38

42 Sütlü Tatlılar Milky Desserts Vizyon markası Dünya lezzetlerini sizlerle buluşturuyor! Krem Brule, Panna Cotta ve Krem Karamel çeşitleri ile pratik ve farklı tarifler yaratın! Vizyon brings worldwide known tastes together for you! Now you can prepare light and appetizing Crème Brule, Panna Cotta and Crème Caramel in no time! 39

43 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Vizyon Krem Brule Vizyon Krem Brule Süt Vizyon S v Krem fianti Toplam A rl k 150 g 300 g 500 g 950 g Süt ve Vizyon Sıvı Krem Şanti karıştırılarak kaynatılır. Üzerine Vizyon Krem Brule toz karışım ilave edilerek 1-2 dk. karıştırılır. Servis kaplarına dökülür. Oda sıcaklığına gelene kadar bekletildikten sonra soğuması için 2 saat süreyle buzdolabında tutulur. Servis edilmeden önce üzerine pudra şekeri dökülür. Şeker pürmüz ile yakılarak karamelize edilir. Vizyon Panna Cotta Vizyon Panna Cotta Süt Süt Kremas Toplam A rl k 150 g 550 g 300 g Süt ve süt kreması karıştırılarak kaynatılır. Üzerine Vizyon Panna Cotta toz karışımı ilave edilerek 1-2 dk. kaynatılır. Servis kaplarına dökülür. Oda sıcaklığına gelene kadar bekletildikten sonra soğuması için 2 saat süreyle buzdolabında tutulur. Kalıplardan çıkartılarak isteğe bağlı çeşitli meyveli ve çikolatalı soslarla servis edilir. Vizyon Krem Karamel Vizyon Krem Karamel Su veya Süt Toplam A rl k 4000 g 5000 g Toz karışım kaynayan süt veya suya ilave edilir. 1 dk. kaynatılır ve karamel dökülmüş kaplara boşaltılır. Oda sıcaklığına gelene kadar bekletildikten sonra soğuması için 2 saat süreyle buzdolabında tutulur. Servis edileceği zaman kalıptan ters çevrilerek çıkartılır. Brand Name Directions for Use Vizyon Crème Brulée Vizyon Crème Brulée Milk Vizyon Liquid Whipping Cream Total Weight 150 g 300 g 500 g 950 g Boil milk and Vizyon Liquid Whipping Cream. Add Vizyon Creme Brulee powder mix and boil for another 1-2 min. Pour into service cups and cool in fridge until it reaches room temperature (2 hrs.). Strew icing sugar on surface and burn it with blowtorch. Vizyon Panna Cotta Vizyon Panna Cotta Milk Milk Cream Total Weight 150 g 550 g 300 g Boil milk and milk cream. Add Vizyon Panna Cotta powder mix and boil for another 1-2 min. Pour into service cups and cool in fridge until it reaches room temperature (2 hrs.). It can be served with fruits or chocolate sauces after taking out from the cups. Vizyon Creme Caramel Vizyon Creme Caramel Water or Milk Total Weight 4000 g 5000 g Add Vizyon Crème Caramel mix into boiling milk or water and boil for 1 more min. Pour into partially caramel filled cups. Cool in fridge until it reaches room temperature (2 hrs.). Turn the dessert inside out from the mould before serving. Vizyon Крем Брюле Vizyon Крем Брюле Молоко Жидкие взбитые сливки Общий весь 150 г 300 г 500 г 950 г Кипятить смешивая молоко и жидкие взбитые сливки. Добавьте порошковую смесь крем брюле и перемешайте в течение 1-2 минут. После этого положите в чашу и дайте остыть до комнатной температуры и положите в холодильник на 2 часа. Добавьте сахарную пудру и карамелизируйте перед принятием. Vizyon Панна Котта Vizyon Панна Котта Молоко Молочный крем Общий весь 150 г 550 г 300 г 1000 г Молоко и сливки кипятим, замешивая. Добавляем смесь панна котта и перемешаем в течение 1-2 минут. Переносим в чашечки. Охлаждаем в холодильнике на 2 часа. Охлажденный продукт можно оформить фруктовыми или шоколадной подливкой. Vizyon Крем Карамель Vizyon Крем Карамель Вода или Молоко Общий весь 1000 г 4000 г 5000 г Добавьте смеси крем карамель кипящую воду или молоко. Поварите в течение 1 минуты. Перенесите карамель в чашу и охладите до комнатной температуры. Затем положите в холодильник на 2 часа. Перед кушать вытащить из формы повернутая. Ambalaj: 5 kg karton koli (1 kg poflet x 5 ad.) Package: 5 kg carton box (1 kg sachet x 5 pcs.) 1 5 пакетик 5 40

44 Trileçe Miksi& Sosu Tres Leches Mix& Sauce Bol sütlü, hafif ve leziz Trileçe, Vizyon farkıyla! Hacimli, düzgün gözenek yapısı ile Vizyon Trileçe Miksi ve yoğun karamel tadı ile ideal lezzeti veren Vizyon Trileçe Sosu Trileçe tatlısı üretimi için ayrılmaz ikili! Milky, light and delicious Tres Leches, exclusive by Vizyon! Fine soft textured, ideal volumed Vizyon Tres Leches Mix and intense caramel flavored Vizyon Tres Leches Sauce are the perfect match for delightful Tres Leches desserts! 41

45 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Trileçe Miksi & Vizyon Trileçe Sosu Vizyon Trileçe Miksi Yumurta Su Toplam Ağırlık Fırın Sıcaklıkları Pişirme Süresi 500 g 200 g 1700 g Taş Tabanlı Fırın: 1800C Konveksiyonel Fırın: 1600C dk. Süt Şerbeti için Vizyon Sıvı Krem Şanti Toplam Ağırlık 2000 g 2000 g 4000 g Vizyon Trileçe Miksi, yumurta ve su 1 dk. yavaş, 5 dk. hızlı devirde çırpılır. Kek hamuru ince tepsilere dökülür ve taş taban/konveksiyonel fırında belirtilen sıcaklık ve sürede pişirilir. Kek soğuduktan sonra porsiyonlanır ve Vizyon Sıvı Krem Şantili süt karışımı soğuk olarak Trileçe keki üzerine dökülür (Şerbetleme). Hazır Vizyon Karamelli Trileçe Sosu isteğe göre direkt karıştırılarak veya bir miktar su ile seyreltilerek şerbetlenmiş Trileçe üzerine dökülür. Spatül yardımıyla tüm yüzey kaplanır. 10 kg kraft torba 28 kg karton koli (7 kg kova x 4 ad.) Brand Name Directions for Use Package Vizyon Tres Leches Mix & Vizyon Tres Leches Sauce Vizyon Tres Leches Mix Egg Water Total Weight Oven Temperature Baking Time 500 g 200 g 1700 g Deck Oven: 1800C Convection Oven: 1600C min. Milk For sherbet Vizyon Liquid Whipping Cream Total Weight 2000 g 2000 g 4000 g Mix Vizyon Tres Leches Mix with egg and water for 1 min. slow then 5 min. faster. Pour into trays and bake in convection/deck oven according to the temperature and time detailed. After cooling, make portions and pour Vizyon Liquid Whipping Cream mixed with cold milk on Tres Leches cake. Pour Vizyon Tres Leches Sauce directly or dilute with water as desired. Cover whole surface with palette knife. 10 kg kraft bag 28 kg carton box (7 kg pail x 4 pcs.) Название продукта Упаковка Vizyon СМЕСЬ ДЛЯ ДЕСЕРТА ТРЕС ЛЕЧЕС & Vizyon КАРАМЕЛЬНЫЙ СОУС ДЛЯ ТРЕС ЛЕЧЕС Vizyon Смесь Трес Лечес 1000 г Яйца 500 г Вода 200 г Общий вес 1700 г Печь с Каменным Температура Духовки Поддоном : 180⁰C Конвекционная Печь: 160⁰C Время выпекания мин Молоко Для сиропа Vizyon Жидкие Взбитые Сливки Общий Вес 2000 г 2000 г 4000 г Взбивать Vizyon смесь Трес лечес с яйцами и водой 1 минут медленно и 5 минут быстрo. Налейте смесь на тонкий противень и выпекать в печи при указанной для соответсвующего типа духовки температуре. Остуженный готовый пирог порезать на порции, сверху налить холодное молоко или жидкие взбитые сливки (Сироп). Подавать с карамельном соусом для десерта трес лечес смешивая с водой или прямо. С помощью шпателья покрываем соусом поверхность пирога. 10 кг крафт мешок 28 кг картонная коробка (7 кг ведро x 4 штук) 42

46 Waffle& Pancake Özellikle kahvaltıların vazgeçilmezi olan waffle ve pancake için Vizyon markası pratik ve leziz çözümler sunuyor! Vizyon presents you practical solutions for preparing waffle and pancakes; must haves for every breakfast! 43

47 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Waffle&Pancake Waffle Reçetesi Vizyon Pancake-Waffle Miks Süt Tereyağ Şeker Toplam A rl k Pancake Reçetesi Vizyon Pancake-Waffle Miks Süt Toplam A rl k 1200 g 50 g 200 g 2450 g 1500 g 2500 g Vizyon Pancake-Waffle Miksi, süt, tereyağ ve şeker karıştırılır. Waffle makinesinde 250 C de 1 dk pişirilir. Vizyon Pancake-Waffle Miksi ve süt karıştırılıp,kızgın tavada pişirilir. 10 kg kraft torba Brand Name Directions for Use Package Vizyon Waffle&Pancake Waffle Recipe Vizyon Pancake-Waffle Mix Milk Butter Sugar Total Weight Pancake Recipe Vizyon Pancake-Waffle Mix Milk Total Weight 1200 g 50 g 200 g 2450 g 1500 g 2500 g Vizyon Pancake-Waffle Powder Mix, milk, butter and sugar is mixed and it is cooked in 250 C for 1 min in waffle iron. Vizyon Pancake-Waffle Powder Mix and milk is mixed and it is cooked in a hot pan. 10 kg kraft bag Название продукта Упаковка Вафли рецепт Vizyon Вафель Смесь & Блин Смесь Вафли - Блинная Мука Vizyon молока сливочное масло сахар Общий весь Блин рецепт Вафли - Блинная Мука Vizyon Молоко Общий весь 1000 гр 1200 гр 50 гр 200 гр 2450 гр 1000 гр 1500 гр 2500 гр Смешайте Микс для вафель и блинов Vizyon с молоком, сливочным маслом и сахаром. Готовьте в вафельнице в течение 1 минуты при температуре 250 C Смешайте Микс для вафель и блинов Vizyon с молоком, готовьте на хорошо раскалённой сковородке. 10 кг крафт мешок 44

48 Kek Miksleri Cake Mixes Vizyon kek miksleri ile mükemmel lezzetin yanı sıra yüksek hacimli, homojen gözenek yapısına sahip ve uzun süre taze kalan kekler elde ederken standart lezzet ve kaliteden ödün vermeyin! Besides their delicious taste, cakes that prepared with Vizyon Cake Mixes have high volume and fine soft texture. They also help you to maintain the standard flavour and quality while keeping their freshness for a long time. 45

49Vizyon Cake Mix: Egg: 250 g Water: 250 g Oil: 300 g Total Weight: 1800 g Vizyon Cake Mix (Egged): Oil : 400 g Water: 400 g Total Weight: 1800 g Vizyon Cupcake Mix Neutral Cocoa Vizyon Sugar - Free Cake Mix Vizyon Cake Mix: Oil: 300 g Water: 300 g Egg: 300 g Total Weight: 1900 g Vizyon Cake Mix: Egg: 450 g Oil: 450 g Total Weight: 1900 g Vizyon Cake Mixes Carrot Vizyon Cake Mix: Oil: 400 g Egg: 400 g Water: 100 g Total Weight: 1900 g Vizyon Muffin Cake Mix Neutral Cocoa Vizyon Cake Mix: Water: 200 g Vegetable Oil: 400 g Egg: 400 g Total Weight: 2000 g Vizyon Marble Cake Mix Neutral Cocoa Vizyon Cake Mix: Oil: 300 g Water: 250 g Egg: 250 g Total Weight: 1800 g Vizyon Moist Cake Mix Vizyon Cake Mix: Oil: 250 g Water: 300 g Egg: 250 g Total Weight: 1800 g Температура духовки: 180⁰C Время выпекания: мин. Vizyon Смесь для Капкейка Банано-Шоколадный Vizyon Смесь без сахара Морковно 400 Общий Вес: 1900 г 400 Vizyon Смесь для маффина 200 : Vizyon Смесь для Мраморного Кекса Влажного Ambalaj: 10 kg kraft torba Package: 10 kg kraft bag Упаковка: 10 кг крафт мешок 46

50 Premium Kek Miksleri Premium Cake Mixes Sacher, Browni, Sufle ve Kırmızı Kadife Kek Mikslerimiz sizlerle! Yoğun çikolata lezzetine sahip Premium Kek Miksleri ile özel sunumlar yaratarak ürün yelpazenizi çeşitlendirin. Here is the intense chocolate flavoured Premium Cake Mixes; Sacher, Brownie, Souffle and Red Velvet Cake! They help you to prepare creative presentations while expand your product range. 47

51 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Brand Name Directions for Use Vizyon Sacher Kek Miksi Vizyon Sacher Kek Miksi Sıvı Yağ Su Toplam Ağırlık 400 g 400 g 1800 g Palet çırpıcı ile 1 dk. yavaş, 3 dk. orta hızda çırpılır. Taş Taban Fırında 1800C dk. Konveksiyonel Fırında 1650C dk. Vizyon Sacher Cake Mix Vizyon Sacher Cake Mix Deck Oven Oil 400 g 1800C min. Water 400 g Convection Oven Total Weight 1800 g 1650C min. Mix 1 min. at slow and 3 min. at medium speed with palette mixer. Vizyon Browni Kek Miksi Vizyon Browni Kek Miksi Sıvı Yağ Su Yumurta Toplam Ağırlık 200 g 140 g 200 g 1540 g Taş Taban Fırında 1600C dk. Konveksiyonel Fırında 1400C dk. Yumurta, su ve yağın üzerine kek miks ilave edilir. Mikserde 4 dk. orta hızda çırpılır ve kalıplara dökülür. İsteğe bağlı olarak kek hamurunun içerisine ceviz parçaları eklenerek çeşitlendirilebilir. Vizyon Brownie Cake Mix Vizyon Brownie Cake Mix Oil Water Egg Total Weight 200 g 140 g 200 g 1540 g Deck Oven 1600C min. Convection Oven 1400C min. Mix the powder cake mix with egg and water for 4 min. then pour into moulds. Add walnuts into batter for enrichment. Vizyon Sufle Miksi Vizyon Red Velvet Kek Miksi Vizyon Sufle Kek Miksi Sıvı Yağ Çikolata (Bitter/Sütlü) Su Toplam Ağırlık Vizyon Red Velvet Kek Miksi Yumurta Su Tereyağ (Eritilmeden) Toplam Ağırlık 550 g 650 g 750 g 2950 g 400 g 300 g 120 g 1800 g Taş Taban Fırında Üst:1900C Alt: 1600C dk. Konveksiyonel Fırında 1400C dk. Sütlü/Bitter çikolata benmari usulü eritilir ve yağ ile mikserde 2 dk. karıştırılır. Sufle miksi ilave edilerek 3 dk. daha karıştırılır. Son olarak su ilave edilir ve 2 dk. daha karıştırılır. Sufle kalıplarına dökülerek pişirilir. Yarı pişmiş donuk proseslere uygundur. Donuk prosesler için pişirme süresi 8 dk. dır. Donuktan çıkan ürünler mikrodalgada çözündürülüp ısıtılarak servis edilir. Palet çırpıcı ile 1dk. yavaş, 5 dk. orta hızda çırpılır. Fırın Sıcaklığı C Pişirme Süresi dk. Vizyon Souffle Mix Vizyon Red Velvet Cake Mix Vizyon Souffle Mix Oil Chocolate (Bitter/Milky) Convection Oven Water 750 g 1400C min. Total Weight 2950 g Mix melted bitter/milky chocolate with oil for 2 min. Add Vizyon Souffle Mix and stir in mixer for 3 min. Add water to the mixture and stir for 2 min. at last. Pour the product into soufflé moulds and bake accordingly to the oven type. It is suitable for half-baked cold processes. Baking time for cold process is 8 min. Solubilize cold product in the microwave and service it when warm. Vizyon Red Velvet Cake Mix Egg Water Butter ( do not melt ) Total Weight 550 g 650 g 400 g 300 g 120 g 1800 g Deck Oven Top:1900C Bottom:1600C min. Oven temperature C Baking Time minute Mix 1 min. at slow and 5 min. at medium speed with palette mixer. Название продукта Vizyon Смесь для Захер Торта Vizyon Смесь для Брауни Кекса Vizyon Смесь для Захера Растительное Масло Вода Общий Вес 1000 г 400 г 400 г 1800 g Печь с Каменным Поддоном 180⁰C мин. Конвекционная Печь 165⁰C мин. Взбивать в миксере с лопаточкой в течение 1 минуты на медленнах оборотах в течение 3 минут на средних оборотах. Vizyon Смесь для Брауни 1000 г Растительное Масло 200 г Вода 140 г Яйца 200 г Общий Вес 1540 г Печь с Каменным Поддоном 160⁰C мин. Конвекционная Печь 140⁰C мин. Смешать яйца, воду и масло и всыпать смесь для брауни, взбивать в течение 4 минут на средних оборотах, разлить готовое тесто по формам для выпечки. При желании, чтобы разнообразить вашу выпечку, можно добавить измельченные грецкие или лесные орехи в тесто. Vizyon Смесь Фондан (Суфле) Vizyon смесь Смесь для кекса Красный бархат Vizyon Смесь Суфле Растительное Масло 1000 г 550 г Печь с Каменным Поддоном Верх: 190⁰C Вниз: 160⁰C мин. Шоколад (Горький/Молочный) 650 г Конвекционная Печь Вода 750 г 140⁰C мин. Общий Вес 2950 г Измельчить молочный/горький шоколад, расплавить его на водяной бане, добавить масло и взбивать при помощи миксера в течение 2 минут. Добавить сухую смесь для суфле и продолжать взбивать еще 3 минуты. Затем добавить воду и повторно перемешать смесь в течение 2 минут. Готовую смесь залить в формочки для суфле и выпекать. Подходит для полусыром процесса. Время выпекание 8 мин для замороженных процессах. Замороженные продукты размораживают и подают нагревая в микроволновке. Vizyon смесь красного бархатного торта 1000 г Яйца 400 г Вода 300 г Сливочное масло (не растапливая) 120 г Общий Вес 1800 г Температура духовки ⁰C Время выпекания мин. Взбивать в миксере с лопаточкой в течение 1 минуты на медленнах оборотах в течение 5 минут на средних оборотах. Ambalaj: 10 kg kraft torba Package: 10 kg kraft bag Упаковка: 10 кг крафт мешок 48

52 Pandispanya Miksleri Sponge Cake Mixes İstenilen yüksek hacim, iç yumuşaklık ve homojen gözenek yapısına sahip lezzetli, pratik ve standart kalitede ürünler hazırlamanızı sağlayan Vizyon Pandispanya Miksi ile uzun süre tazeliğini, yumuşaklığını ve nemli yapısını koruyan harika pastalar yapmak sizin elinizde! Şimdi donuk pastalarınızda kullanabileceğiniz, donma-çözülme sürecine dayanıklı çeşidi ile sizlerle! Vizyon Sponge Cake Mix is simple to prepare and create excellent volume, shape, colour and fine soft texture. Now it s in your hands to make amazing cakes that keep their moistness and remain fresh and soft for a long time. Now you can make frozen cakes with our new freeze-thaw stable Vizyon Sponge Cake Mix! 49

53 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Vizyon Pandispanya Miksi Sade Kakaolu Vanilyalı Vizyon Pandispanya Miksi Su 100 g Yumurta 750 g Toplam Ağırlık 1850 g Fırın Sıcaklığı Yaklaşık 1800C Pişirme Süresi dk. Çırpma Süresi 6-8 dk. Swissroll Reçetesi Sade Kakaolu Vanilyalı Vizyon Pandispanya Miksi Su Yumurta Toplam Ağırlık Fırın Sıcaklığı Pişirme Süresi Çırpma Süresi 280 g 1150 g 2340 g 2400C 7-8 dk. 1 dk yavaş dk. hızlı 30 sn. yavaş Miks, su ve yumurta mikserde tel çırpıcı ile 1 dk yavaş, 10 dk. hızlı devirde çırpılır. (Mikser tipine ve ürün miktarına göre çırpma süresi farklılık gösterebilir.) Vizyon Pandispanya Miksi -Frozen Sade Kakaolu Vizyon Pandispanya Miksi Sıvı Yağ Su Yumurta Toplam Ağırlık 200 g 200 g 400 g (8 Ad.) 1800 g Taş Taban Konveksiyonel Pişirme Süresi Fırın Sıcaklığı Yaklaşık 180 C Yaklaşık C dk Vizyon Easy Pandispanya Miksi Sade Kakaolu Vizyon Easy Pandispanya Miksi Yumurta Su Toplam Ağırlık 750 g 100 g 1850 g Fırın Sıcaklığı Pişirme Süresi Yaklaşık 180 C dk. Brand Name Directions for Use Vizyon Sponge Cake Mix Neutral Cocoa Vanilla Vizyon Sponge Cake Mix Water Egg Total Weight Oven Temperature Baking Time Mixing Time 100 g 750 g 1850 g About 1800C min. 6-8 min. Swissroll Recipe Neutral Cocoa Vanilla VizyonSponge Cake Water Egg Total Weight Oven Temperature Baking Time Mixing Time 280 g 1150 g 2340 g 2400C 7-8 min. 1 min slow min fast 30 sec slow Mix with whisk for 1 min. at slow and 10 min. at high speed. (Mixing time depends on mixer type and product amounts.) Vizyon Sponge Cake Mix -Frozen Neutral Cocoa Vizyon Sponge Cake Oil Water Egg Total Weight 200 g 200 g 400 g (8 pcs) 1800 g Oven Temperature Deck Oven About 180 C Convection Oven About C Cooking Time min. Vizyon Easy Sponge Cake Mix Neutral Cocoa Vizyon Easy Sponge Cake Mix Egg Water Total Weight 750 g 100 g 1850 g Oven Temperature Cooking Time About 180 C min. Название продукта Vizyon Бисквитная Смесь Простая Какао Ванильный Vizyon Смесь для Рулета 1000 г Вода Яйца 100 г 750 г Общий Вес 1850 г Температура печи приблизительно 1800C время выпечки мин Время смешивания 6-8мин Рецепт свинины Простая Какао Ванильный Vizyon Смесь для Рулета 1000 гр Вода Яйцо Итоговый вес 280 гр 1150 гр 2340 гр Температура печи 2400C время выпечки 7-8 мин Время смешивания 1 минута медленная мин быстрая + 30 сек медленная Все ингредиенты взбивается с венчиком на медленных оборотах в течение 1 минут, потом на высоких оборотах в течение 10 минут. (Время взбивания может меняться в зависимости от тип смесителя и количество продукта) Бисквитная смесь Vizyon Замороженная Простая Какао Vizyon Смесь для Рулета Вода Яйца Общий Вес 1000 г 200 г 200 г 400 г (8шт.) 1800 г Время выпекания Температура духовки Печь с Каменным Поддоном Конвекционная Печь приблизительно 180 C приблизительно C мин. Vizyon Easy Бисквитная Смесь Простая Какао Vizyon Easy Смесь для Рулета Вода Яйца Общий Вес 1000 г 100 г 750 г 1850 г Температура духовки Время выпекания приблизительно 180 C мин. Ambalaj: 10 kg kraft torba Package: 10 kg kraft bag Упаковка: 10 кг крафт мешок 50

54 Kurabiye Miksi Cookie Mix Amerikan soft cookie özelliklerine sahip vanilyalı ve kakaolu çeşitleri ile Vizyon Cookie Miksi çay ve kahvenin yanında en sevilen atıştırmalık! Vizyon Cookie mix has American soft cookie texture and taste with vanilla and chocolate alternatives. Cookies prepared with Vizyon Cookie Mixes are the best loved snacks beside to tea and coffee! 51

55 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Vizyon Kurabiye Miksi Vanilyalı Kakaolu Vizyon Kurabiye Miksi Çeşitlendirici (Çikolata, Kuru Meyveler, Fındık) Margarin (Susuz Yağ) Tereyağ Yumurta 700 g 300 g 180 g 20 g 115 g Taş Taban Fırında Konveksiyonel Fırında 1600C dk. 1600C 8-10 dk. Tüm girdiler miksere konur ve palet çırpıcı ile 2-3 dk. orta devirde karıştırılır. Yağlı kağıtların üzerine kurabiye şekli verilerek yerleştirilir. Taş tabanlı fırınlarda tepsiler ikinci bir tepsi kullanılarak tabandan yükseltilir. Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Vizyon Cookie Mix Vanilla Cocoa Vizyon Cookie Mix Alternative ingredients (Chocolate, Dryed Fruits, Hazelnut) Margarine (Dehydrated) Butter Egg 700 g 300 g 180 g 20 g 115 g Deck Oven Convection Oven 1600C min. 1600C 8-10 min. Add all ingredients into mixing bowl and mix for 2-3 min. at medium speed with palette mixer. Shape the cookies and place on a wax paper. Bake in deck oven using another tray to raise the height. Название продукта Vizyon Смесь для печенья Линия продуктов Ванильный Какао Vizyon Смесь для печенья Разнообразители (шоколад, сухофрукты, орехи) маргарина (дегидратированной ) сливочного масла яичного 700 г 300 г 180 г 20 г 115 г Печь с Каменным Поддоном Конвекционная Печь 160⁰C мин. Все ингредиенты вносятся в миксер и перемешиваются лопаткой на средней скорости 2-3 минуты. Нарежьте печенье из теста с помощью формочек. Выложите на противень, смазанный маслом. (В каменной печи противень поднимается со дна с помощью второго противена.) 160⁰C 8-10 мин. Ambalaj: 10 kg kraft torba Package: 10 kg kraft bag Упаковка: 10 кг крафт мешок 52

56 Pasta Katkı Maddesi Pastry Additive / Cake Gel Pandispanya, rulo ve kek üretiminde emülgatör ve stabilizatör olarak kullanılan Vizyon Pasta Katkı Maddesi; düzgün gözenekli, yüksek hacimli, uzun süre yumuşaklığını ve nemliliğini koruyan ürünler yapmanızı sağlar. Vizyon Pastry Additive/Cake Gel is used as emulsifier and stabiliser in sponge cake, swiss roll and cake productions. It provides you high volumed, fine textured products by keeping its softness and moistness. 53

57 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Tavsiye Edilen Pandispanya Reçetesi Ambalaj Vizyon Pasta Katk Maddesi Ürün çeşidine göre, toplam karışıma %3-4 oranında ilave edilmesi önerilir. Un Şeker Vizyon Kabartma Tozu Yumurta Su Vizyon Pasta Katk Toplam Ağırlık 375 g 250 g 12 g 350 g 125 g 38 g 1150 g 20 kg karton koli (5 kg kova x 4 ad.) 19 kg kova Brand Name Directions for Use Recommended Sponge Cake Recipe Package Vizyon Pastry Additive / Cake Gel Depending on the product, addition of 3-4 % dosage is suggested. Flour Sugar Vizyon Baking Powder Eggs Water Vizyon Pastry Additive Total Weight 375 g 250 g 12 g 350 g 125 g 38 g 1150 g 20 kg carton box (5 kg pail x 4 pcs.) 19 kg pail Рецепт Рекомендуемый для Бисквита Vizyon Добавка для Кондитерских Издели В зависимости от вида изделия добавляется из расчета %3-4 к общему объему. Мука Сахар Vizyon Разрыхлитель Яйца Вода Vizyon Добавка Общий весь 375 г 250 г 12 г 350 г 125 г 38 г 1150 г 20 кг картонная коробка (5 кг ведро x 4 шт.) 19 кг ведро 54

58 Hamur Kabartma Tozu Baking Powder Vizyon Kabartma Tozu fırıncılık ve pastacılık ürünlerinde ideal ve homojen bir kabarma ile mükemmel sonuçlar elde etmenizi sağlar. Vizyon Baking Powder creates excellent solutions by giving ideal and homogenous raising in pastry and bakery products. 55

59 Ürün Adı Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Vizyon Hamur Kabartma Tozu Hazırlanan ürüne göre toplam karışıma %0,5-2 oranında ilave edilmesi önerilir. Kullanılacak miktar una ilave edilir ve karıştırılır. 12 kg karton koli (2 kg kova x 6 ad.) 25 kg kraft torba Brand Name Directions for Use Package Vizyon Baking Powder According to the prepared product, addition of 0,5-2% dosage is suggested. Add Vizyon Baking Powder to the flour and mix. 12 kg carton box (2 kg pail x 6 pcs.) 25 kg kraft bag Название продукта Упаковка Vizyon Пекарский Порошок Рекомендуется добавить из расчета % к общему объему в соответствии готовленнего продукта. Добавьте к муку и перемешайте. 12 кг картонная коробка (2 кг ведроx 6 шт.) Упаковка: 25 кг крафт мешок 56

60 Konsantre Pastacılık Karışımı Concentrated Pastry Paste Vizyon Konsantre Pastacılık Karışımı nı pandispanya kek, kurabiye, krema ve kremalı pasta gibi hamur ürünlerinizin tadını geliştirmek için kullanabilirsiniz ve onlara gerçek bir meyve aroması verebilirsiniz. Konsantre meyve içeriği, istediğiniz lezzet ve rengi elde etmenize yardımcı olacaktır. You can use Vizyon Concentrated Pastry Paste to improve the taste of your pastry products including sponge cakes, parfaits, cookies, creams and crème chantilly and give thema real fruit flavoring. Its concentrate fruit content will help you achieve your desired flavor and color. 57

61 Ürün Adı Ürün Çeflitleri Kullanım Talimatı Ambalaj Konsantre Pastacılık Karışımı Antep Fıstıklı Çilekli Frambuazlı Karamelli Limonlu Portakallı Çeşitlendirme amaçlı % 4 8 oranında kullanılmalıdır. Direkt kullanıma uygun değildir. 15 kg karton koli (2,5 kg kova x 6 ad.) Brand Name Assortments Directions for Use Package Concentrated Pastry Paste Pistachio Strawberry Raspberry Caramel Lemon Orange Should be used 4 8 % for diversification purpose. Direct use is not suitable. 15 kg carton box (2,5 kg pail x 6 pcs.) Название продукта Линия продуктов Упаковка Концентрированная Кондитерская Паста фисташковый Клубничная Малиновая Карамельная Лимонная Следует использовать 4-8% для целей диверсификации. Прямое использование не подходит. 15 кг картонная коробка (2,5 кг ведро х 6 штук) Апельсиновая 58

62 Diğer ürün gruplarımız için... Çikolata Kataloğu Ekmek Geliştirici Kataloğu

Daha göster


çamaşır makinesi ses çıkarması topuz modelleri kapalı huawei hoparlör cızırtı hususi otomobil fiat doblo kurbağalıdere parkı ecele sitem melih gokcek jelibon 9 sınıf 2 dönem 2 yazılı almanca 150 rakı fiyatı 2020 parkour 2d en iyi uçlu kalem markası hangisi doğduğun gün ayın görüntüsü hey ram vasundhara das istanbul anadolu 20 icra dairesi iletişim silifke anamur otobüs grinin 50 tonu türkçe altyazılı bir peri masalı 6. bölüm izle sarayönü imsakiye hamile birinin ruyada bebek emzirdigini gormek eşkiya dünyaya hükümdar olmaz 29 bölüm atv emirgan sahili bordo bereli vs sat akbulut inşaat pendik satılık daire atlas park avm mağazalar bursa erenler hava durumu galleria avm kuaför bandırma edirne arası kaç km prof dr ali akyüz kimdir venom zehirli öfke türkçe dublaj izle 2018 indir a101 cafex kahve beyazlatıcı rize 3 asliye hukuk mahkemesi münazara hakkında bilgi 120 milyon doz diyanet mahrem açıklaması honda cr v modifiye aksesuarları ören örtur evleri iyi akşamlar elle abiye ayakkabı ekmek paparası nasıl yapılır tekirdağ çerkezköy 3 zırhlı tugay dört elle sarılmak anlamı sarayhan çiftehan otel bolu ocakbaşı iletişim kumaş ne ile yapışır başak kar maydonoz destesiyem mp3 indir eklips 3 in 1 fırça seti prof cüneyt özek istanbul kütahya yol güzergahı aski memnu soundtrack selçuk psikoloji taban puanları senfonilerle ilahiler adana mut otobüs gülben ergen hürrem rüyada sakız görmek diyanet pupui petek dinçöz mat ruj tenvin harfleri istanbul kocaeli haritası kolay starbucks kurabiyesi 10 sınıf polinom test pdf arçelik tezgah üstü su arıtma cihazı fiyatları şafi mezhebi cuma namazı nasıl kılınır ruhsal bozukluk için dua pvc iç kapı fiyatları işcep kartsız para çekme vga scart çevirici duyarsızlık sözleri samsung whatsapp konuşarak yazma palio şanzıman arızası